GSLIS eUpdate Volume 11, Number 5

GSLIS eUpdate
Volume 11, Number 5: March 2012


1. GSLIS Spotlight – Renear Assumes Interim Deanship
2. News Summary
3. Continuing Professional Development
4. Alumni Highlights
5. Calendar of Events
6. Unsubscribe and/or contact us

Note: We enjoy receiving and sharing news about your career and life accomplishments. Please take the time to update your contact information and/or share a Class Note about your recent activities using our Alumni Update Form.


Renear Assumes Interim Deanship

Professor Allen Renear has assumed the interim deanship of GSLIS, effective immediately. He brings to the position more than 20 years of experience in the information profession as well as extensive administrative experience in higher education.

GSLIS is in good hands with Renear, whose depth and breadth of experience make him well suited for the position. He has served as a member of the GSLIS faculty since 2001 and recently concluded a three-year term as associate dean for research, during which he expanded the School’s grant funding base to over $16 million in award dollars. He also has been an active member of the GSLIS Executive Committee, a senior advisory group to the dean, during most years of his tenure.

Renear received an A.B. from Bowdoin College and a Ph.D. (1988) from Brown University. At Brown, he began his career in information technology, serving as a user services specialist, senior consultant/analyst, and senior academic planning analyst prior to becoming a faculty member. During this time, he co-founded and directed the Scholarly Technology Group, an applied research, development, and consulting group focusing on the application of information technology to academic research, instruction, and scholarly communication.

Linda Smith, associate dean for academic programs, supports Renear’s appointment, stating that, “Allen’s demonstrated abilities in innovative problem solving, strategic planning, and budget and personnel management will serve GSLIS well. His effective working relationships with all GSLIS stakeholders—faculty, staff, students, campus administrators, alumni, and other members of the profession—will contribute to his success as he assumes this leadership role.”

Renear is a highly respected scholar, having served as president of the Association for Computers and the Humanities, distinguished visiting fellow at the Oxford University Computing Unit, member of the advisory board of the Text Encoding Initiative, and first chair of the Open eBook Publication Structure Working Group (now IDPF/ePUB). He currently teaches courses in information modeling and digital publishing, and his research focuses on the application of logic-based formal ontologies to problems in data curation and the foundation of information systems.


GSLIS Master's Program Granted Continued Accreditation

The master’s program in library and information science at GSLIS has been granted continued accreditation status by the Committee on Accreditation (COA) of the American Library Association (ALA). The decision was made at the 2012 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Dallas in January. The decision was based on the Program Presentation, the External Review Panel Report, all reports submitted by GSLIS since the last comprehensive review in 2004, and a meeting with the COA held on January 22, 2012. Copies of relevant materials are provided in full on the GSLIS website.

GSLIS Headlines

Other news stories recently featured on the GSLIS home page include:

Recent Videos

Watch Kate McDowell discuss her lifelong love of children's literature and other new videos on the GSLIS YouTube Channel.

GSLIS Social Media

For up-to-date news and announcements, you are invited to follow the GSLIS Twitter and "like" us on Facebook: Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Illinois.


Certified Public Library Administrator (CPLA) Courses

Elements of Technology Management
Dates: May 1 – June 5, 2012
Instructor: Brenda Hough

For more information and to register, visit CPLA Program and Courses.

Midwest Book and Manuscript Studies: Summer Special Collections Courses
The following information provides an UPDATED list of summer 2012 courses. Nondegree students may take these courses.


May 21–June 1
590RB Rare Book and Special Collections Librarianship – Sid Berger (morning)
590PO The Book as Physical Object – Sid Berger (afternoon)

June 4–8 (all day)
590SP Collection Development for Special Collections – Joel Silver

June 11–15 (all day)
590SR Reference Sources for Rare Books  – Joel Silver

June 15–16, 29–30, and July 13–14 (all day)
590LI Legal Issues in Library and Information Science – Tom Lipinski

June 18–29
590AA Arrangement and Description for Archives and Museums – Scott Schwartz (morning)
590LP History and Techniques of Letterpress Printing – Steve Kostell (afternoon)

July 9–20
590BK The Picture Book: History, Art, and Visual Literacy – Leonard Marcus (morning)
590SU Historical Bindings (Suave Mechanicals: Studying Historical Bindings) – Julia Miller (afternoon)
July 23–27 (all day)
LIS 490BA Book Arts – Bea Nettles


590AVL Audiovisual Materials in Libraries and Archives – Jimi Jones
590BBL Bookbinding: History, Principles, and Practice – Andrew Huot
590BCL Rare Book Cataloging – Pat Olson

NEW Cataloging Course for School Librarians/School Media Specialists
Coming Summer Session II 2012

LIS 590CBL Cataloging for School Libraries (2 hours) – Kathryn La Barre
No prerequisites.
Live online sessions: Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
On-campus session: Tuesday, June 12 (all day)

This course will introduce the student to the principles, practices, and standards for information representation and organization in school media centers. Course content will include an introduction to original cataloging of nonstandard materials (such as realia and audiovisual materials), evaluation of bibliographic records, exposure to authority control and subject access systems with a special focus on the Dewey Decimal System, and Sears Subject Headings. The course will also provide an overview and exploration of different library systems/OPACS.

Please forward your ideas for continuing education topics to Marianne Steadley.


Call for Nominations: LSAA Awards

At the LSAA Meeting during ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, California, we will recognize and honor our 2012 award winners. Nominations are now being accepted for the Distinguished Alumnus Award, Leadership Award, and Distinguished Service Award. Please nominate someone who should be honored for his or her outstanding work and/or significant contributions to the School and/or the LIS profession. For award criteria and more information, visit the LSAA Awards web page. Rachel Bindman (MS ’02) is chair of the LSAA Awards Committee this year. Nominations can be submitted via email until April 1, 2012.

GSLIS Annual Fund

The GSLIS Annual Fund provides support for our students to participate in professional conferences, networking functions, community engagement projects, and Alternative Spring Break, which will take place this year from March 19 to 23. Students will spend a week at places like the Library of Congress, Caterpillar, the Federal Reserve Bank, and the University of Turabo in Puerto Rico working on a variety of projects that will have a lasting effect in these organizations.   

Donor support through the Annual Fund impacts our students by enriching their academic and career development experiences. If you have not renewed your support this fiscal year (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012), please make a gift today. The GSLIS Annual Fund is our only source of undesignated funding for the School. Electronic fund transfers on either a weekly or monthly basis over a designated period of time also can be arranged.  For more information, contact us.

LSAA Tassel Project

Graduation is approaching, and at this time of the year, we reflect on those individuals who made a difference in our lives. Alumni are encouraged to honor GSLIS faculty and/or staff through the LSAA Tassel Project, which was established in 2011 by the Library School Alumni Association (LSAA) to support the creation of an endowed professorship in the School.

You can make a contribution according to your graduation year (2000 = $20; 1965 = $19.65), and in doing so, honor someone who had a positive impact on your education at GSLIS. For your contribution, you will receive a yellow keepsake GSLIS tassel. You also may recognize the achievement of a new graduate by purchasing a tassel on his or her behalf. All faculty and staff who are honored will be notified, and all contributors will be recognized in the Alumni Newsletter.

To participate, visit our Opportunities for Giving page and select the "Faculty" tab, choose "LSAA Endowed Professorship," and click the "Make your gift" button. Be sure to include the name of the faculty or staff member you would like to honor in the "Special Instructions" box.


For more information, please email

Alternative Spring Break (ASB)
March 19-23
This noncredit career development program places interested and motivated graduate students in professional work environments during the week of Spring Break.

GSLIS Research Showcase 2012
March 30
1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
GSLIS East Foyer and Rooms 126 and 131
GSLIS faculty and PhD students will present short talks and posters highlighting their scholarly work at this annual event, which is open to campus and the general public.

California Academic and Research Libraries (CARL) Conference
April 5-7
Marriott Mission Valley
8757 Rio San Diego Drive
San Diego, California
GSLIS will sponsor a table at the welcome reception on April 5 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Storytelling Festival
April 14
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Hosted by The Center for Children’s Books (CCB)

Windsor Lecture
April 17
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Location: 126 LIS Building
Speaker: Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information

eChicago Symposium
April 20-21 (all day)
University of Illinois at Chicago, Student Center East
Librarian-scholar Joyce Latham (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee) will draw lessons for today from the dynamic and proud history of Chicago Public Library, and Philip Neustrom ( will explain the explosive success of local wikis in Davis, California, and other towns around the world.

GSLIS Convocation
May 13
1:30 p.m.
Smith Memorial Hall


This eUpdate is delivered to all GSLIS alumni with email addresses on record at the University of Illinois Alumni Association. If you do not wish to receive further issues, please contact us and ask to be removed from the email list. GSLIS will not release your email address or share any other personal identifying information.

Feel free to pass along the eUpdate to your friends and fellow GSLIS alumni and invite them to subscribe to receive the eUpdate directly! If someone has forwarded this message to you and you would like to subscribe, please email us.

We always are interested in learning about your career and life accomplishments. To submit items, please complete and email our Alumni Update Form.

The GSLIS website is an important resource for job seekers and employers alike. Visit our Careers page to post a job, explore mentorship opportunities, and learn how to host students for practica, internships, and/or Alternative Spring Break.

To support GSLIS, please visit our confidential and secure giving site.

Have a comment about one of the stories you've read here? Have news that you think should be included in an upcoming issue? Contact us.

Copyright ©2011 University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Permission is granted to reuse this information provided the source is cited.

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