iSchool researchers present at CHI 2023

iSchool faculty and students will present their research at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023), which will take place on April 23-28 in Hamburg, Germany. The annual conference brings together researchers and practitioners who have the overarching goal of making the world a better place with interactive digital technologies.

April 24

PhD student Smit Desai and Assistant Professor Jessie Chin will present the paper, "OK Google, Let’s Learn: Using Voice User Interfaces for Informal Self-Regulated Learning of Health Topics among Younger and Older Adults," at 5:31 p.m.

April 25

PhD students Si Chen and Haocong Cheng, Computer Science PhD student Jason Situ, and Associate Professor Yun Huang will present the poster, "Mirror Hearts: Exploring the (Mis-)Alignment between AI-Recognized and Self-Reported Emotions," at 3:55 p.m.

PhD students Smirity Kaushik and Yaman Yu and Informatics PhD student Tanusree Sharma; Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed (University of Toronto); and Associate Professor Yang Wang will present the paper, "User Perceptions and Experiences of Targeted Ads on Social Media Platforms: Learning from Bangladesh and India," at 2:30 p.m.

April 26

PhD student Qingxiao Zheng and Associate Professor Yun Huang will present the poster, "'Begin with the End in Mind': Incorporating UX Evaluation Metrics into Design Materials of Participatory Design," at 10:30 a.m.

Computer Science alum Chi-Hsien Yen, PhD students Haocong Cheng and Yilin Xia, and Associate Professor Yun Huang will present the paper, "CrowdIDEA: Blending Crowd Intelligence and Data Analytics to Empower Causal Reasoning," at 3:26 p.m.

April 27

Computer Science alum Ziang Xiao, Computer Science PhD student Tiffany Wenting Li, Affiliate Professor Karrie Karahalios, and Computer Science Professor Hari Sundaram will present the paper, "Inform the Uninformed: Improving Online Informed Consent Reading with an AI-Powered Chatbot," at 9:00 a.m.

PhD student Tanusree Sharma, Abigale Stangl (University of Washington), Lotus Zhang (University of Washington), Yu-Yun Tseng (University of Colorado), Inan Xu (University of California), Leah Findlater (University of Washington), Danaa Gurari (University of Colorado Boulder), and Associate Professor Yang Wang will present the paper, "Disability-First Design and Creation of A Dataset Showing Private Visual Information Collected With People Who Are Blind," at 9:42 a.m.

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