iSchool researchers to present at IDCC24

iSchool faculty, staff, and students will present their research in transparent data curation and cleaning, provenance management, certified transparency, and data ethics at the 18th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC24), which will be held from February 19-21 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The theme of this year's conference, which brings together individuals, organizations, and institutions across all disciplines and domains involved in curating data, is "Trust Through Transparency." 

Tuesday, February 20

PhD student Lan Li will present the paper, "T-KAER: A Knowledge-Augmented Entity Resolution Framework for Enhanced Transparency," coauthored with Informatics PhD student Yiren Liu, Information Sciences PhD student Liri Fang, Associate Professor Vetle Torvik, and Professor Bertram Ludäscher, in Session A3 at 11:45 a.m.

Wednesday, February 21

Professor Bertram Ludäscher will present the paper, "Bridging the Gap Between Process and Procedural Provenance for Statistical Data," coauthored with Senior Research Scientist Timothy McPhillips, in Session M1 at 9:00 a.m.

Recent graduate Nikolaus Nova Parulian (PhD '23) will present the paper, "Collaborative Data Cleaning Framework, a Pilot Case Study for Machine Learning Development," coauthored with Professor Bertram Ludäscher in Session D2, at 2:45 p.m.

Professor Bertram Ludäscher will present the paper, "Reconciling Conflicting Data Curation Actions: Transparency Through Argumentation," coauthored with Information Sciences PhD students Yilin Xia and Lan Li in Session M3, at 10:00 a.m.

Lars Vilhuber (Cornell University) will present the paper, "TROV - A Model and Vocabulary for Describing Transparent Research Objects," coauthored with Teaching Assistant Professor Craig Willis, Information Sciences PhD student Meng Li, Senior Research Scientist Timothy McPhillipsNikolaus Nova Parulian, and Professor Bertram Ludäscher in Session O4, at 11:00 a.m.

The poster session at 1:30 p.m. will include the poster, "Embedding Data Ethics in the Institute for Geospatial Understanding Through an Integrative Discovery Environment (I-GUIDE)," coauthored by Associate Professor Peter Darch, Information Sciences PhD student Ivan Kong, and Informatics PhD student Kyra Abrams.

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