Vetle Torvik

Associate Professor
PhD, Engineering Science, Louisiana State University
Research focus
Mathematical optimization; computational statistics; text and data mining; literature-based discovery; bioinformatics.
Torvik received degrees in mathematics and operations research and earned his PhD in engineering science from Louisiana State University. He was a research assistant professor in the Department at Psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago before joining the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He teaches courses on text and data mining, statistical modeling, informetrics, and information processing. His current research addresses problems related to scientific discovery and collaboration using complex models and large-scale bibliographic databases. He has built a suite of bibliographic data mining tools and datasets that are available from ABEL.
Courses currently teaching
- Spring 2025 - Career Exploration - IS200C1J
- Spring 2025 - Career Exploration - IS200CE1
- Spring 2025 - Colloquium - IS400AC
- Spring 2025 - Colloquium - IS400JS
- Spring 2025 - Colloquium - IS400OA
- Spring 2025 - Colloquium - IS400OA1
- Spring 2025 - Data Mining - IS577AC
- Spring 2025 - Independent Study - IS589VIT
- Summer 2025 - Independent Study - IS589VIT
Office hours
Thursday 12–1 p.m.
Publications & Papers
For a complete list of publications, visit Vetle Torvik's Google Scholar page.
Mishra S, Torvik VI. Quantifying conceptual novelty in the biomedical literature. D-Lib Magazine 2016; 22 (9/10).
Prosperi MCF, Buchan IE, Fanti I, Meloni S, Pietro Palladino P, Torvik VI. Family Business. Kin of co-authorship in five decades of health science literature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2016; 113 (32), 8957-8962.
Torvik VI. MapAffil: A bibliographic tool for mapping author affiliation strings to cities and their geocodes worldwide. D-Lib Magazine 2015; 21 (11/12).
Li G-C, Lai R, D’Amour A, Doolin DM, Sun Y, Torvik VI, Yu AZ, Fleming L. Disambiguation and co-authorship networks of the U.S. patent inventor database (1975-2010). Research Policy 2014; 43(6): 941-955.
Fegley BD, Torvik VI. Has large-scale named entity network analysis been resting on a flawed assumption. PLOS ONE 2013; 8(7): e70299.
Tuomela M, Fegley BD, Torvik VI. Introducing the Author-ity Exporter, and a case study of geo-temporal movement of authors. SIG/MET workshop, ASIST Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. October 14, 2016.
Kehoe AK, Torvik VI. Predicting Medical Subject Headings Based on Abstract Similarity and Citations to MEDLINE Records. Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. Newark, NJ, USA. June 19-23, 2016. Pp. 167-170.
Torvik VI, Agarwal S. Ethnea – an instance-based ethnicity classifier based on geo-coded author names in a large-scale bibliographic database. International Symposium on Science of Science March 22-23, 2016 - Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA.
Torvik VI, Cruz L. Sex-bias in biomedical research: a bibliometric perspective. Conference on Complex Systems – Quantifying Science. October 1, 2015. Tempe, AZ, USA.
Agarwal S, Lincoln M, Cai H., Torvik VI. Patci – a citation matcher optimized for USPTO “non-patent citations”. Poster/Demo presented at the 2014 GSLIS Research Showcase.
Hurley L, Ogier A, Torvik VI. Deconstructing the collaborative impact: article and author characteristics that influence citation count. Proceedings of the 76th ASIST Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2013.
Smith BN, Singh M, Torvik VI. A search engine approach to estimating temporal changes in gender orientation of first names. Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, Indianapolis, IN, USA July 22-26, 2013. Pp. 199-208.