Joshua Short knows firsthand the barriers to public library access that patrons living on modest wages experience. Having grown up in a self-professed "low-income environment," Short has made it his mission to reduce these barriers, such as library fines, inadequate transportation, and limited computer literacy.
In 2022, Short authored an article for the ILA Reporter on implementing the Cards for Kids program in Illinois without stigmatizing patrons. Cards for Kids allows students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade who participate in the National School Lunch Program to obtain a library card free of charge, even if they live in an unserved area. While library cards are typically seen as "free," residents financially support public libraries through city or county taxes. Nonresidents wishing to use another town's library are usually assessed a fee equal to the average taxpayer's contribution. For low-income families living in unserved towns, this upfront fee can restrict access to public library materials. The Cards for Kids program helps alleviate this barrier.
"My article emphasizes the importance of implementing this program with sensitivity and respect. Building on this advocacy, I successfully advocated for my home library to become fine-free in 2023," said Short, who serves as the history and languages librarian at the St. Louis Public Library.
Short's library experience includes working as an aide in his high school library, an expert archives technician at the National Archives in St. Louis, board member of his local library in Highland, and board president of the Illinois Heartland Library System. The roles provided invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing libraries today, he said.
Short recently earned his MSLIS degree through the iSchool's Leep (online) program. He brought his professional and personal experiences into the classroom, creating a poster presentation in his Reference and Information Services (IS 501) class that delves deeper into the challenges faced by low-income patrons and explores potential solutions to enhance library accessibility and inclusivity.
According to Short, the pandemic served as a catalyst for him to finally pursue his dream of obtaining an LIS degree.
"I felt a renewed sense of purpose and a desire to contribute more meaningfully to the library field," he said. "Balancing a full-time librarian position [at the St. Louis Public Library] while pursuing my graduate degree full time presented a unique set of challenges, but I successfully navigated this demanding schedule."
In his free time, Short is an avid gamer—playing video games, board games, card games, and tabletop roleplaying games. He also enjoys cooking, reading, and spending time with his wife while they work on home improvement projects, garden, and experiment with craft cocktails.