Master's student Elisandro Cabada has his sights set on academic librarianship. As a 2015-2017 Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Diversity Scholar, and with experience working at two University of Illinois libraries, he is well on his way to achieving his goal.
Why did you decide to pursue an LIS degree?
I have been working or volunteering in libraries since I was a freshman in high…
Alea Perez is passionate about reading and librarianship, especially when it comes to teen services. On top of completing her master's studies this August, she manages her own YA lit website and recently started a new job as the head of youth services at the Westmont (IL) Public Library.
Why did you decide to pursue an LIS degree?
As a child, I was constantly surrounded by books thanks to…
Jason Driver is looking out for the little guys—literally. As an early literacy specialist for Chicago Public Library’s seventy-nine branches, he works with fellow children’s librarians to create programs that support young readers and their families. For more about his professional insights and interests, check out Jason's blog.
It’s no surprise that MS student Flannery Crump chose GSLIS when she decided to pursue a career in LIS. The program was recommended to her by a reliable source—her mother, Amy Crump. She’s following in her mother’s footsteps toward a career in public librarianship.
Flannery Crump
Why did you decide to pursue an LIS degree?
All throughout my childhood, my parents would take me to the…
Throughout her career at the Illinois State Library, alumna Gwen Harrison has embraced leadership roles that have allowed her to make a difference in the working lives of librarians across the state and in the lives of their patrons. She was recognized for her contributions to the state in 2013, when she received the Secretary of State’s Employee of the Year award.
Where do you work and what…
Look beyond the classroom walls, says Eric Phetteplace, and you’ll find there are lots of ways to expand your educational experience (and you might even get a job while you’re at it). Practicum and work experiences, attending conferences, networking, and getting involved in professional organizations are all great ways to do that. For more tips on working in LIS tech, look for posts by…
This week the University of Illinois celebrates both Graduate Student Appreciation Week and International Week. At GSLIS, we are proud of all our students and our international connections, including faculty, research fellows, scholars-in-residence, and students like Thomas Mukonde, who hails from Zambia.
Why did you decide to pursue an LIS degree?
I decided to do an LIS degree because I…
This week the University of Illinois celebrates both Graduate Student Appreciation Week and International Week. At GSLIS, we are proud of all our students and our international connections, including faculty, research fellows, scholars-in-residence, and students like Nushrat Khan, who hails from Bangladesh.
Why did you decide to pursue an LIS degree?
Prior to starting graduate school in…
Becky Hodson (MS '13) recently returned to her alma mater, joining the GSLIS staff as visiting career services coordinator. In this new role, Hodson works with students to explore potential career paths in LIS, manages the GSLIS Job Board (I-Link), and assists students with navigating experiential learning opportunities such as practicum.
Her previous experience includes academic reference…
Ruth Riley "instinctively knew" that she was meant to work in medical librarianship. She's built a successful career in academic medical libraries and is now an administrator looking ahead to the changing information needs of medical students and practitioners.
Where do you work and what is your role?
I work at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine in Columbia, South Carolina…
Artist, writer, zinester, crafter, student, mother—Ann Chiu is many things. She balances her eclectic interests with the help of the supportive GSLIS community and like-minded people in Portland, Oregon.
Why did you decide to pursue an LIS degree?
About four years ago, I found myself working part time as a waitress at an assisted living housing facility, and part time as a barista at a local…
Last fall the Office of Student Affairs welcomed Delicia Tiera Greene as the School’s new visiting diversity and recruiting specialist. Greene brings to GSLIS years of experience in graduate-level diversity recruiting as well as master’s degrees in secondary education and administration and supervision, master’s and doctoral degrees in LIS, and significant service to the LIS field.
GSLIS alumna Daylily Alvarez is confident in taking on any challenges that stand between her and her career goals. She recently completed a second master's degree—this one in nonprofit management—while working as an outreach librarian. She plans to continue working closely with community members while advancing to a leadership role.
Where do you work and what is your role?
I am currently a…
After completing bachelor's and master's degrees in China, Jinlong Guo came to the United States to earn his doctoral degree at GSLIS. Despite his knowledge and expertise in the field, he continues to be impressed by the interdisciplinarity and potential of research in LIS.
Why did you decide to pursue an LIS doctoral degree?
My path to the LIS doctoral degree seems very straightforward…
What do macaroni and cheese, floral design, and corporate librarianship have in common? GSLIS alumnus Ozzie Meza has found a common thread throughout his career as a librarian and entrepreneur in his strong creative energy, a knack for building relationships, and the courage to take on new challenges.
Where do you work and what is your role?
I am an entrepreneur. This is the first time I…
GSLIS is pleased to announce that Victor Jones, Jr. has joined the Student Affairs team as a visiting recruiting specialist. In this newly created position, Jones will play an active role in the School’s ongoing efforts to recruit the best and brightest new students, serving as a primary resource for prospective students and as an ambassador to visiting applicants. He also will work to build…
Before beginning his studies at GSLIS, Jarrett Dapier already had several years of experience working at the Evanston Public Library (EPL), where he developed and implemented creative programs to engage teens in reading and self-expression. Last summer, while in his role at EPL, he worked with the Dajae Coleman Foundation to implement programming centered around How Long Will I Cry?, a history of…
As a GSLIS master’s student, Heidi Uphoff appreciated the opportunity to complete her degree while working in Chicago. Now she is earning her Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) in Digital Libraries while working at the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Research Library in New Mexico.
Why did you decide to pursue the CAS in Digital Libraries?
I decided to apply toward the end of my master’s…
A sense of inquiry and enterprising approach to her work makes every day interesting for taxonomist Jenny Benevento. She's found success in her field, working on a contract basis and using her time in between jobs to learn new things and see the world.
Where do you work and what is your role?
I am a taxonomist. I've worked fulltime as an employee of corporations (Sears/Kmart) and…
[image1-right]As a master’s student at GSLIS, Brian Wu worked as a data analysis intern at Neustar, Inc. at the University of Illinois Research Park. Since graduating and moving into and associate data analyst position he’s enjoyed the variety of tasks that come with work in a corporate data analysis setting. He hopes to use what he’s learned at GSLIS and Neustar as he begins to further…