The Governing Knowledge Commons Research Coordination Network
Time Frame
Total Funding to Date
- Madelyn Rose Sanfilippo
Knowledge commons refer to the institutionalized community governance of sharing, creating, and curating a wide range of intellectual and cultural resources. This project will establish a Research Coordination Network (RCN) designed to build a research community that will advance these scientific principles. In doing so it will aid in the development of empirical and theoretical insights into commons governance of shared knowledge, information, and data resources.
This RCN will assemble researchers from law, the social and behavioral sciences, computer science, and engineering to communicate, coordinate and integrate their research and educational activities across disciplinary and organizational boundaries. The project will facilitate a series of focused working conferences, each organized around a specific subject matter, as well as a convergence conference.

Funding Agencies
- National Science Foundation, 2021 – $16,818.00