2017 Showcase

Wednesday, November 8, 2017
12:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Illini Union, Ballrooms A and B
1401 W. Green Street, Urbana
Schedule of Events
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.: Poster Session I
1:00 - 1:30 p.m.: Keynote Speaker
1:30 - 2:00 p.m.: Presentation Session I
2:00 - 2:30 p.m.: Break
2:30 - 3:30 p.m.: Presentation Session II
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.: Poster Session II
- Value Sensitive Design in the Times of Big Data
Keynote speaker: Funda Kivran-Swaine, Research Manager, Facebook - The Raw & the Smoked: Salumi & Authenticity in Intangible Heritage
Jerome McDonough - App Authors: Closing the App Gap II
Deborah Stevenson (Presenter), Rachel M. Magee, & Lizzy Isbell (Presenter) - Leveraging Syntax to Better Capture the Semantics of Elliptical Coordinated Compound Noun Phrases (PPT with audio)
Catherine Blake - When Tech Use Becomes Search: Looking at People Trying to Configure a Smartphone
Michael Twidale - Data Friction, Social Friction: Standardization Challenges in Emerging Domains of Science
Peter Darch - Shared Uncertainty in Social and Collaborative Information Seeking
Aiko Takazawa - Nonmaterial Constitution and Unnatural Kinds: Why Philosophical Disputes About Works of Authorship Matter
David Dubin & Jacob Jett - Storytelling Paradoxes: Reevaluating Library Wisdom for Effective Organizational Storytelling
Kate McDowell
- Markdown-based Semantic Annotation of Workflow Scripts—Xiaoliang Jiang, John S. Erickson, Jodi Schneider, & Deborah L. McGuinness
- Managing Big Data Flows: A Case Study—Paige Cunningham
- Library Usage Reports at Illinois Leadership Center Library—Linh Cao
- Semi-supervised Named Entity Recognition in Noisy-text—Shubhanshu Mishra & Jana Diesner
- Stance Classification of Twitter Debates: The Encryption Debate as A Use Case—Aseel Addawood, Jodi Schneider, & Masooda Bashir
- Studying Geo-conflict and Cooperation over Time Using Media Reports: A Case Study using Temporal Geographical Maps—Shubhanshu Mishra
- User-Centered Space Assessment in Academic Libraries: A Literature Review—Alyssa Denneler & Emily Knox
- The 450-year Life of the Nobiliario genealógico de varias casas de España: A Brief Biography of a Manuscript—EvaAnne D. Johnson
- Embracing Diversity: The Design of Citizen Science as an Inclusive Learning Environment—Lo Lee
- Who Shares What with Whom? Information Sharing Preferences in the Online and Offline Worlds—Chang Liu, Hsiao-Ying Huang; Dolores Albarracin, & Masooda Bashir
- Urbana-Champaign Smart Gigabit Communities—Chieh-Li Chin
- Open Data and Public Health—Marcelo D´Agostino, Noah Samuel, Maria Janina Sarol, Federico G. de Cosio, Myrna Marti, Tianyu Luo, Ian Brooks, & Espinal Marcos
- Towards Managing Knowledge Claims from Scholarly Literature—Jodi Schneider, Janina Sarol, & other members of the lab
- Ransomware: An Examination of Best Practices—Masooda Bashir & Shubham Goel
- Parsl: A Python-based Parallel Scripting Library—Daniel S. Katz
- Understand the Role of Software in Research—Daniel S. Katz
- Users Trust in Automation: A Cultural Perspective—Hsiao-Ying Huang & Masooda Bashir
- Geographical Distribution of Biomedical Research in the USA and China—Yingjun Guan, Jing Du, & Vetle Torvik
- Exploring the Music Library Association Mailing List: A Text Mining Approach—Xiao Hu, Kahyun Choi, Yun Hao, Sally Jo Cunningham, Jin Ha Lee, Audrey Laplante, David Bainbridge, & J. Stephen Downie
- Prospective and Retrospective Provenance Queries Using YesWorkflow, RDF, and SPARQL—Linh Hoang, Hui Lyu, Timothy McPhillips, & Bertram Ludäscher
- Opening the Black Box of a Paleoclimate Reconstruction based on PaleoCAR—Pratik Shrivastava
- Toward A Typology Of Digital Thematic Research Collections—Katrina Fenlon
- Towards a Progressive Model for Metacognitive Strategies and Makerspace Learning—Jeff Ginger, Maya Israel, Lisa Bievenue, Johnell Bentz, & Suzanne Linder
- Computational Lyricology: Measuring Lyric Complexity Using Topical Diversity of User Interpretations—Kahyun Choi & J. Stephen Downie
- Evaluating an Automatic Data Extraction Tool for Evidence Synthesis through Real-life Case Studies—Linh Hoang & Jodi Schneider
- Exploiting Graph-based Data to Realize New Functionalities for Scholar-built Worksets—Jacob Jett, Timothy W. Cole, & J. Stephen Downie
Posters with demos
- Building a Real-time Distributed Intelligence Feed Network—Alex Withers, Justin Azoff, Jim Marsteller, Shane Filus, & Linh Cao
- Investigation into Digital Humanities Research on Chinese Classics and Visualization of Zuozhuan—Yuerong Hu
- Agreeing to Disagree: Reconciling Conflicting Taxonomic Views Using a Logic-based Approach—Yi-Yun Cheng, Nico Franz, Jodi Schneider, Shizhuo Yu, Thomas Rodenhausen, & Bertram Ludäscher