2016 Showcase

2016 showcase globe

Monday, October 24, 2016

12:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Illini Union, Ballrooms A and B
1401 W. Green Street, Urbana

Schedule of Events

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.: Poster Session I
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.: Presentation Session I
2:00 - 2:30 p.m.: Break
2:30 - 3:30 p.m.: Presentation Session II
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.: Poster Session II

Refreshments will be provided during the poster sessions.

VIEW PROGRAM for all abstracts

Presentation Session I

Keynote speaker: Melissa Cragin (PhD '09), executive director, Midwest Big Data Hub, NCSA

YesWorkflow: More Provenance Mileage from Hybrid Provenance Models and Queries
—Bertram Ludäscher (presenter) joint work with Duc Vu, Qiwen Wang, Yang Cao, Qian Zhang, Timothy McPhillips

All and Each: The Dynamics of Scale in Digital Heritage Cultures
—Rhiannon Bettivia

Informed Consent and Chemical Exposure from Everyday Consumer Products
—Henry Gabb

Digital Inclusion, Digital Equity, and the Urgent Need to Reconsider Digital Literacy
—Sharon Irish (presenter) joint work with Martin Wolske

Presentation Session II

The Sociotechnical Imagination
—Les Gasser

Implantable Brain Technologies and The Creation of Cyborgs
—Beth Strickland

The Onion Router: Understanding a Privacy Enhancing Technology Community
—Masooda Bashir (presenter); joint work with Hsiao-Ying Huang

Introducing the Author-ity Exporter, and a case study of geo-temporal movement of authors
—Vetle Torvik (presenter) joint work with Mikko Tuomela and Brent Fegley

Posters (Sessions I & II)

Classification and Detection of Micro-Level Impact of Issue-Focused Films Based on Reviews
—Rezvaneh Rezapour, Jana Diesner

Towards Automatic Data Extraction from Clinical Research Reports: A Case Study of a Systematic Review of Oral Pain Relief
—Linh Hoang, Tanja Bekhuis, Jodi Schneider

"What is Your Evidence?" A Study of Controversial Topics on Social Media
—Aseel A. Addawood, Masooda Bashir

Talking Back to the Public Library: Measuring and Conceptualizing the Little Free Library Movement
— Kate Williams, James Whitacre, Noah Oluwafemi Samuel, Elizabeth C. Hartman, Alexandra M. Budz, Katherine A. Cawley, Salem A. Gebil, Kelly Y. Greeling, Victoria E. Henry, Brittany S. Jones, Jenna Kim, Amanda M. Luna, Emily C. Purcell, and Paul A. Wheelhouse

App Authors: The Launch Year
—Deborah Stevenson, Rachel M. Magee, DeAnza Williams

Exploring J-DISC: Some Preliminary Analyses
—Yun Hao, Kahyun Choi, and J. Stephen Downie

Including Marginalized Voices: Building a Collection of Dalit Resources
—Nisha Mody,, Nicole A. Cooke

Shopping for Sources: An Everyday Information Behavior Exploration of Grocery Shoppers’ Information Sources
—Melissa Ocepek

Massive Data, Individual Learners: Challenges for Developing Holistic Views of MOOC Participants
—Paige Cunningham

Understanding the Needs of Scholars in a Contemporary Publishing Environment
—Katrina Fenlon, Maria Bonn, Harriett Green, Christopher R. Maden, Megan F. Senseney, Aaron McCullough

An Exploration of Mass-Gathering Events and Alcohol Related Incidents
—Briana Holliday, Ian Brooks

Towards a Progressive Model for Metacognitive Skills and Makerspace Learning
—Jeff Ginger, Maya Israel, Lisa Bievenue, Rebecca Teasdale

Tumblr and Gender Pronouns
—Julia Burns Petrella

Gamification in Citizen Science: A Case Study from Galaxy Zoo
—Lo Lee, Linda C. Smith

Young Researchers
—Rachel M. Magee, Margaret Buck

Next-Generation Innovation Applications for Urbana-Champaign Smart Gigabit Community
—Martin Wolske, Chieh-Li "Julian" Chin

Issue-Focused Documentaries Versus Other Films: Rating and Type Prediction Based on
User-Authored Reviews
—Ming Jiang, Jana Diesner

Acquiring and Representing Drug-Drug Interaction Knowledge as Claims and Evidence
—Jodi Schneider, Richard D. Boyce

Developing a Coding Template for Analyzing College-Level Works of Literature in High School
—Pompilia Burcica, Rachel M. Magee

Started with a Hurricane: Incorporation of Law School Libraries Services and Programming
with Law School Pro Bono Service and Public Interest Law to Support Non-Profit

—S.K. (Kayleigh) Van Poolen

Trends in Centuries of Words: Progress on the HathiTrust+Bookworm Project
—Peter Organisciak, J. Stephen Downie, Jacob Jett

Radical Reading Studies: Evaluating the Position of Reader-Focused Curriculum in
Information Science Education
—Mikki Smith, Alaine Martaus

Digging, Reaching, and Learning: An Update on the First Year of the HathiTrust Research Center’s Librarian Training Program
—Harriett Green, J. Stephen Downie, Eleanor Dickson, Ruoha Han

Responsible Conduct of Research in Human Centered Data Science: Complying with Norms and Regulations
—Chieh-Li "Julian" Chin, Jana Diesner

Online Information Seeking for Controversial Topics
—Aseel Addawood, Masooda Bashir

Two and a Half Dimensional Printing: Using 3D Printing to Make Rare Materials Accessible
—Jon Sweitzer-Lamme, Rachenl M. Magee

Mobilizing Taxonomic Data: The Importance of User-Centered Design
—Andrea K. Thomer, Michael B. Twidale, Jinlong Guo, Roger A. Burks, Matthew J. Yoder

Exploring the Dynamics of Interdisciplinary Collaboration Using Social Network Analysis: The
Effects of Formal and Informal Network Structures
—Ly Dinh, William Barley

The Onion Router: Understanding a Privacy Enhancing Technology Community
—Hsiao-Ying Huang, Masooda Bashir

Simulating Social Systems at Scale
—Les Gasser, Santiago Nunez-Corralles

Linking Scholars and Semantics: Developing Scholar Supportive Data Structures for Digital

—Jacob Jett, J. Stephen Downie

Revealing the Detailed History of Script Outputs with Hybrid Provenance Queries
—Yang Cao, Duc Vu, Qiwen Wang, Qian Zhang, Priyaa Thavasimani, Timothy McPhillips, Paolo Missier, Bertram Ludäscher