BS in Information Sciences
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If you are interested in learning how to use information and technology to help people reach their goals, our bachelor's degree in information sciences (BSIS) is right for you!
In today’s tech-centered job market, there is a high demand for information professionals. Our BS in information sciences (BSIS) will provide a competitive edge by teaching you how to:
- Design information systems and services
- Organize, manage, and evaluate information for diverse users
- Interpret and use data for real-world application and collaboration
You’ll take courses in programming, database concepts, and research methods while also learning about broader social issues, such as information equity and ethics.
The iSchool is a leader in higher education, ranked #1 among professional schools of library and information studies by U.S. News & World Report.
Chase Monmany completed his dual degree in information sciences and graphic design in 2023. He is currently a UX designer at Twitch.

My dream is to create a nonprofit educational organization that leverages special online tools for teaching students diverse styles of music. Our world revolves around data, and I believe that learning how to efficiently collect, manipulate, store, retrieve, and protect it will better prepare me for the IT industry. I was also attracted to the human aspect/social perspective that the iSchool integrates into the curriculum.
Khushi Jain, current student
Help others
Our degree is different from computer science because it emphasizes working with people who use the systems, technology, and tools you will create. As an iSchool student, you’ll focus on how individuals relate to information and how information is used in society.
The iSchool has established designated pathways to help guide you through your studies. BSIS students may take electives within a pathway or across multiple pathways.
- Information and Culture
- Data and Society
- Data Analytics/Data Science
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)/User Experience (UX)
- Narrative Design and Game Studies
- Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums

I am now leading teams in conducting research for new technologies that can be incremental to the development of the company. It seems small in scope, but knowing how large of an impact these technological developments can have on this growing company is crazy to think about!
Elysia Woodward (BSIS '23), Associate in the Early Career Digital Leadership Program at United Airlines
Our interdisciplinary, STEM-designated degree will prepare you to manage data and other types of information to help organizations achieve their goals. Examples of career paths include the following:
- Computer Network Architect
- Computer Systems Analyst
- Content Strategist
- Data Analyst
- Data/Information Governance Analyst
- Data Management Analyst
- Database Manager/Administrator
- Digital Consultant
- Information Security Analyst
- IT Analyst/Systems Analyst
- IT Manager/CIS Manager
- IT Support/Technology Support Specialist
- Market Research Analyst
- Product Manager
- UX Designer
- UX Researcher
- Web Developer
You will have the flexibility to apply your skills in a variety of fields, such as education, health care, business and finance, arts and communications, and government.

The IS program is the most balanced program I have been able to find at UIUC that enables students to become socially, ethically, and technically skilled in our modern-day systems and technologies.
Bastian Sanchez (BSIS '21), SaaS Technical Support Engineer at Legwork
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