iSchool to make strong showing at IDCC17

Bertram Ludäscher
Bertram Ludäscher, Professor and Director, Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship
Peter Darch
Peter Darch, Associate Professor
Professor Michael Twidale
Michael Twidale, Professor

iSchool staff and students will participate in the 12th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC), which will be held on February 20-23 in Edinburgh, Scotland. IDCC is organized annually by the UK-based Digital Curation Centre and provides opportunities for educators and professionals to consider digital curation in a multidisciplinary context. The theme of this year's conference is "Upstream, Downstream: embedding digital curation workflows for data science, scholarship and society."
iSchool presentations include:

"When Scientists Become Social Scientists: How Citizen Science Projects Learn About Volunteers," a paper authored by iSchool Assistant Professor Peter Darch.

"Revealing the Detailed Lineage of Script Outputs using Hybrid Provenance," a paper authored by iSchool postdoctoral research associates Qian Zhang and Yang Cao and Professor Bertram Ludäscher, director of the iSchool's Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS), who is assisted by Timothy McPhillips; co-authors included Priyaa Thavasimani and Paolo Missier of Newcastle University, Duc Vu of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Qiwen Wang of the University of Illinois, and Peter Slaughter, Christopher Jones, and Matthew B. Jones of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

"Demonstrating Hybrid Provenance Queries from Script Runs," a companion demonstration to the above paper, by the same team and led by postdoctoral research associate Yang Cao.

"Data Sharing in a Complex Computational Study: Easier Said than Done!" a poster by postdoctoral research associate Qian Zhang, Professor Bertram Ludäscher, and Heidi Imker, director of Research Data Service at the University Library at Illinois. 

"Case Studies of Selected Usability Evaluation Techniques and Their Applications to Improve Data Repositories," a poster by Professor Michael Twidale; co-presenters include Chung-Yi Hou, Steven Worley, and Matthew S. Mayernick of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.

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