Adler to join iSchool faculty

Rachel Adler
Rachel Adler, Associate Professor

The iSchool is pleased to announce that Rachel Adler will join the faculty as an associate professor in August 2023. She currently serves as an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Northeastern Illinois University. 

Adler's research interests are in human-computer interaction, accessibility, and computer science education. She is particularly interested in designing applications for and with people with disabilities. Some of her recent projects include co-designing a mobile health application to empower cancer survivors with disabilities, co-designing a mobile health peer navigator intervention for people with disabilities, and creating simulation games to teach students about accessible design. Her research has been funded through the National Institutes of Health; National Science Foundation; National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research; and the U.S. Department of Education.

"I am very excited to join the iSchool at Illinois. The interdisciplinary nature of the School makes it an ideal place to conduct research, and I am looking forward to working and collaborating with the amazing students and faculty at the university," said Adler.

"We are delighted to have Rachel join us," said Dean and Professor Eunice E. Santos. "Her research into mobile health applications and accessible design will complement our faculty's work in the realm of HCI and user experience."

Adler earned her PhD in computer science from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. 

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