Kristen Mattson
Adjunct Lecturer
Other professional appointments
School Library Media Center Director, Waubonsie Valley High School, Aurora, IL
Research focus
Digital citizenship and information literacy in secondary schools.
Kristen Mattson is an award-winning writer, library advocate, digital citizenship expert and talented presenter. With experience as a classroom teacher as well as a librarian, Mattson learned early on to balance every learning experience with the most current and relevant research, personal experiences from the field, and opportunities for participants to engage, reflect, interact, and apply. She transformed a 40-year old school library in both space and practice into a 21st-century learning center, where she partners with teachers in all content areas to integrate digital literacy, research, and innovation into the classroom. Her library epitomizes every aspect of the Future Ready Framework, and she and supports fellow librarians by hosting site visits, facilitating professional development, blogging, and moderating the Future Ready Librarians Facebook group. She is a contributing author of International Handbook of Media Literacy Education (Routledge, 2017).