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GSLIS graduation tassels now available

Graduation is approaching, and at this time of the year, we reflect on those individuals who have made a difference in our lives. New graduates and alumni are encouraged to honor GSLIS faculty and/or staff through the LSAA Tassel Project, which was established in 2011 by the Library School Alumni Association (LSAA) to support the creation of an endowed professorship in the School.


Get to know Krystal Cooper, MS student

Krystal Cooper is pursuing her interests in digital humanities, analytics, and archiving as a master’s student at GSLIS and as a graduate assistant with the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS). She also is broadening her educational scope through participation in scholars programs of two multidisciplinary organizations, and this month she participated in the Computing Research Association: Women’s 2016 Grad Cohort Workshop.

Krystal Cooper

Professional pathways allow students to customize new degree

This fall, the first cohort of students will begin their studies in our School’s new Master of Science degree in information management (MS/IM) program. These students will have the opportunity to choose from four professional pathways to prepare for successful careers in the design and management of information systems.

Meet rock and roll librarian Andy Leach (MS '00)

When I saw the ad for the director of library and archives position at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in 2008, I jumped at it. At the time, I had a terrific job as a librarian and archivist at the Center for Black Music Research at Columbia College in Chicago. Because my area of expertise is American popular music, I was confident I would at least get an interview. But things worked out better than expected.

Andy Leach

Cooke speaks at Cinema and Media Studies, Digital Blackness conferences

Assistant Professor Nicole A. Cooke is sharing her research on topics related to digital literacy, including pedagogical approaches to using social media in the classroom and identifying and confronting misleading information, with two conference presentations this month.

Nicole A. Cooke