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iSchool faculty and students to present research in argumentation

iSchool faculty and students will present their research at the 10th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2024), which will be held from September 18-20 in Hagen, Germany, as well as pre-conference workshops. The conference brings together researchers interested in computational models of argument and the representation of argumentation structures in natural language texts.

McDowell to present keynotes on data storytelling

Associate Professor Kate McDowell will present three keynotes on data storytelling this fall. Her first keynote will be given at Library Research Seminar VIII: Telling Library Stories, which will be held from September 16-18 at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

Kate McDowell

McMillion to lead undergraduate affairs

Desiree McMillion has joined the iSchool as director of undergraduate affairs. In her new position, she will provide leadership and strategic direction for the School's undergraduate degrees, the BS in Information Sciences (BSIS) and BS in Information Sciences + Data Science (BSIS+DS).

Desiree McMillion

iSchool instructors ranked as excellent

Fifty-four iSchool instructors were named in the University's List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent for Spring 2024. The rankings are released every semester, and results are based on the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) questionnaire forms maintained by Measurement and Evaluation in the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. 

Schreiber receives ILA scholarship

Jasmine Schreiber, a Leep (MSLIS online) student, has been awarded the Valerie J. Wilford Scholarship Grant for Library Education from the Illinois Library Association (ILA). The award is given to those in pursuit of education in librarianship, including classes, webinars, seminars, or conferences. 

Jasmine Schreiber

Pauline Cochrane passes away

Professor Emerita Pauline Anna Blazina Atherton Cochrane passed away on July 29, 2024, at The Arthur Home, in Arthur, Illinois. 

Pauline Cochrane

New grant to create inclusive learning environment and advance workplace equity

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Assistant Professor JooYoung Seo a four-year, $459,000 grant to create inclusive learning environments and advance workplace equity for persons with disabilities in STEM fields. The project will build on Seo's work in developing open-source tools that can augment visual charts into touchable (braille), readable (text), and audible (sound) representations.

JooYoung Seo

Chen appointed interim executive associate dean

Jiangping Chen assumed the position of interim executive associate dean and visiting professor on August 16. In this role, she will work closely with Dean Eunice E. Santos to realize the iSchool's strategic goals and objectives. She also will provide leadership for the internal administration of the School, including oversight for the work of associate deans and assigned staff as well as the coordination of faculty affairs. Chen's position will become permanent following approval by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees.

Jiangping Chen

Get to know Jeremy Carnahan, computer vision engineer

In his role as a computer vision engineer at Precision Planting, Jeremy Carnahan (MSIM '21) is part of a team that is making agriculture more productive and sustainable while reducing costs for growers. 

Jeremy Carnahan