News Feed

News Bureau features Tilley's research into 'anti-comics crusading psychiatrist'

The U of I News Bureau recently interviewed Carol Tilley, GSLIS assistant professor, about her research into the personal archives of psychiatrist Fredric Wertham, an anti-comics critic whose 1954 book Seduction of the Innocent inspired federal hearings that decimated the comic book industry.Tilley's research is based on a review of Wertham’s personal archives, which were made available to…

GSLIS workshops, events, and presentations at upcoming iConference

Please join the Graduate School of Library and Information Science for the following activities during the 2013 iConference, including our reception on February 13 at Vidalias Restaurant in the Worthington Renaissance.WORKSHOPS “Filling the Workforce Gap in Data Science and Data Analytics” February 12, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Co-chairs include: GSLIS Associate Professor Catherine Blake “…

Diesner receives XSEDE allocation award

Jana Diesner, assistant professor, has received a start-up allocation award from the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE). This award provides Diesner and her co-PI Brent Fegley, a doctoral student in the Informatics program, with time on XSEDE’s high-performance computing resources and help from XSEDE staff members with parallelizing their code.

February News Digest

News From GSLIS at Illinois Faculty News Learn more about the HathiTrust Research Center The HathiTrust Research Center, a collaboration between the University of Illinois and Indiana University, is developing tools and cyberinfrastructure to help scholars with research using the HathiTrust Digital Library. Watch this video produced by the Center to learn more about its aims and to hear…

Lucht discusses mixed-race representations in youth literature

GSLIS doctoral student Karla Lucht was recently interviewed by the Center for Children’s Books to discuss her research and recent trip to the School of Library, Archival, and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. There, she presented her lecture, “The Search for Hapas: Identifying Titles Featuring Mixed-race Asian Protagonists in Youth Literature,” addressing…

LSAA seeks nominations for annual awards

The Library School Alumni Association (LSAA) is seeking nominations for three distinguished awards. The awards are given annually at the GSLIS alumni reception held at the American Library Association conference. The deadline for nomination is April 1, 2013. The Distinguished Alumnus Award recognizes an individual alumnus of GSLIS who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of…

Center for Children's Books announces 2013 Gryphon Award winner

[image1-right:resize-180w]Island: A Story of the Galápagos, written and illustrated by Jason Chin, and published by Roaring Brook Press, is the winner of the 2013 Gryphon Award for Children’s Literature. The Gryphon Award, which includes a $1,000 prize, is given annually by the Center for Children’s Books. This year’s committee was chaired by Deborah Stevenson, director of the Center for…

GSLIS eUpdate: Volume 12, Number 4

GSLIS eUpdate Volume 12, Number 4: January 2013 The GSLIS eUpdate, published every other month, summarizes current news, events, alumni and advancement highlights, and continuing professional development opportunities. Other publications that may be of interest to alumni and friends are listed on the GSLIS Publications web page. ________________________________________ IN THIS ISSUE 1. GSLIS…

Tilley to deliver invited talk on comics and critics

Carol Tilley, GSLIS assistant professor, is an invited speaker for the Colloquia Series at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia. Tilley’s presentation, “Children, Comics, Critics, and the Researcher,” is scheduled for January 30. In the mid-twentieth century, comic books were extremely popular but also a highly contested form of…

Diesner receives grant to explore impact of social justice documentaries

Assistant Professor Jana Diesner has received a $150,000 grant from the Ford Foundation to develop, evaluate, and apply a computational solution for measuring the impact of social justice documentaries. For the grant, “Impact Assessment of Social Justice Documentaries,” Diesner is supported by JustFilms, a division of the Ford Foundation that supports documentary filmmakers, particularly…
Rafea in the village with her son and daughter. From the film Solar Mamas. Photo courtesy ITVS.