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Get to Know Christina John, MS student/corporate research intern

[image1-right]With a background in history and initially inspired by an interest in archives and special collections, Christina John decided to pursue a master’s degree at GSLIS. She now plans to apply her research and LIS skills to a career in the corporate or nonprofit sector.Why did you decide to pursue an LIS degree?I decided to pursue an LIS degree when I was an undergrad at DePaul…

GSLIS students, graduates meet growing corporate need

Information management in a corporate setting can take many forms. For Shannon Roberts (MS ’12), it involves working as a price and market analyst for John Deere. For GSLIS master’s student Kelsey Heffren, it means conducting oral history interviews of longtime staff at W. W. Grainger, Inc., and working to organize, preserve, and expand the company’s intellectual property collection. And for…
Kesley Heffren, GSLIS master's student and intern at W. W. Grainger, Inc. (photo courtesy of Erwin Cruz/Grainger)

Katrina Spencer, master's student, shares experience at IBBY conference

[image1-right]GSLIS master's student and LAMP Scholar Katrina Spencer recently attended the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) regional conference held at the St. Louis Public Library from October 18-20. Her trip was partially funded by GSLIS and the Center for Children's Books (CCB). The CCB sat down with Spencer, who is interested in translation of children’s literature and…
L to R: Robin Gibson (CAS '12), Marianne Martens (MS '06), master's student Katrina Spencer, CCB Director Deborah Stevenson

LAMP spotlight: Regina Sierra Carter

In this essay, master's student Regina Sierra Carter recounts her summer at the Smithsonian Institution, where she worked as a multicultural junior fellow. If you are interested in hosting a GSLIS student for an internship or practicum, please contact Roy Brooks, practicum coordinator. [image1-right]As a result of the generous support of the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., I was blessed to serve…
Regina Sierra Carter at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History

Palmer, Weber to present at John Deere Big Data Summit

Carole Palmer, GSLIS professor and director of CIRSS, and Nicholas Weber, GSLIS doctoral candidate, will share their expertise in data curation at the upcoming John Deere Big Data Summit, which will be held in Champaign on October 1 and 2. The summit is intended to bring together analytic and big data thought leaders from inside and outside the company to showcase cutting edge academic…

GSLIS students named ARL 2013-2015 Diversity Scholars

Washington, DC—The ARL Committee on Diversity and Leadership has selected 15 masters of library and information science (MLIS) students to participate in the 2013–2015 Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce (IRDW) as ARL Diversity Scholars.The ARL IRDW offers numerous financial benefits to program participants as well as leadership development provided through the annual ARL Leadership…

Liu pursues interests in business, law, and librarianship

[image1-right]GSLIS master’s student Yan Liu has demonstrated time and again that she is dedicated to pursuing a career in librarianship and willing to put in the extra effort required to stand out from the crowd. Since moving from her home in Beijing to the United States to study library and information science at GSLIS, Liu’s dedication has garnered well-deserved attention and praise.…

GSLIS students present at Illinois Summer Research Symposium

Five GSLIS master's students participated in the University of Illinois’s 2013 Summer Pre-doctoral Institute (SPI). SPI is a campus-wide orientation program that accepts incoming graduate students from U.S. populations that are underrepresented in campus graduate programs. During the eight-week program, students enroll in an independent study, participate in a series of research-based seminars,…

Nhek receives scholarships, promotes cultural awareness

[image1-right]LEEP student Christina Nhek was recently named the recipient of two scholarships, the Asian Pacific American Librarians Association or APALA Scholarship and the California Library Association or CLA Scholarship for Minority Students in Memory of Edna Yelland. Nhek, the daughter of Cambodian refugees, is currently pursuing a master’s degree and certificate in special…

Roberts, Sweeney travel to Dublin for panel presentation

GSLIS doctoral candidates Sarah T. Roberts and Miriam E. Sweeney presented on a panel at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Dublin, Ireland, on June 28. The presentation, "Free Speech, Visual Discourses and the Invisible," also included panelists Ergin Bulut, doctoral candidate in Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois,…