GSLIS participation in upcoming conferences

GSLIS faculty, staff, and students will participate in several conferences focusing on a variety of topics this fall:

Information Technology and Africa: Practices, Potentials and Challenges
September 11-13, 2013
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sharon Irish, project coordinator for GSLIS Center for Digital Inclusion, will serve on a panel moderated by GSLIS alumna and Assistant Professor of Media and Cinema Studies, Safiya Noble (MS ’09, PhD ’12), “The Development of the Distributed Open Collaborative Courses (DOCCs).” GSLIS Research Associate Professor Jon Gant will serve as a panelist on “Extending Access: Tackling the Digital Divide.”

The Future of Historical Network Research
September 13-15, 2013
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
GSLIS Assistant Professor Jana Diesner will deliver a keynote talk, “Of Microscopes and Telescopes in the Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences.”

Research Data Alliance (RDA), Second Plenary Meeting
September 16-18, 2013
Washington, D.C.
GSLIS Professor and Director of CIRSS, Carole Palmer, will be giving the keynote address, “Fueling and Transforming Evidential Cultures of Research.” GSLIS Research Associate Professor Dave Dubin will be co-leading an RDA interest group meeting on data provenance.

Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH) 2013
September 19-21, 2013
Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
GSLIS Professor J. Stephen Downie will co-present, “Integrating Independent Discovery and Analysis Tools for the HathiTrust Corpus: Enhancing Fair Use Digital Scholarship.” Downie also will co-present “Workset Creation for Scholarly Analysis: Preliminary Research at the HathiTrust Research Center” with a group including GSLIS-affiliated faculty member Tim Cole, professor of library administration.

Society for Vector Ecology 6th International Congress
September 22-27, 2013
La Quinta, California
GSLIS Research Scientist Ian Brooks will present, “Insect Bytes: Using Computers to Support Vector Control.”

2013 Law Via the Internet Conference (LVI 2013)
September 26-27, 2013
Jersey, Channel Islands
GSLIS master’s student Brian Anderson will present, “Internet Enhancement of the Role of Civil Society in Promoting the Rule of Law in Transitional States” and “Compiling Online Legal Information in Transitional States: Challenges and Opportunities.”

Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN) 2013
October 4-5, 2013
New York University
GSLIS Assistant Professor Jana Diesner presents a paper titled “Using Socio-Semantic Network Analysis for Assessing the Impact of Documentaries.” The paper is co-authored by Jinseok Kim and Shubhanshu Mishra, GSLIS doctoral students,  Amirhossein Aleyasenand, doctoral student in computer science, and Kiumars Soltani, doctoral student in informatics.

2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2013)
October 6-9, 2013
Santa Clara, California
GSLIS Assistant Professor Vetle Torvik will be organizing and facilitating a daylong workshop, “Scholarly Big Data.”

New York Archives Week Symposium
Archivists Roundtable of Metropolitan New York, Inc.
“Disaster Planning for Archives and their Communities”
October 6-12, 2013
GSLIS master’s student Rachel Mattson will be speaking alongside other members of a Summer 2013 delegation of archivists and librarians of Palestine on a panel called “The Disaster of Military Occupation: Archival Collections in Occupied Palestine.”

Engagement Scholarship Conference
October 7-9, 2013
Texas Tech University
GSLIS Senior Research Scientist Martin Wolske will lead a preconference session, “Partnership: The Inside Story” and will also participate in two symposium sessions, “Boundary­Spanning and Border­Crossing: Connecting Religion and Technology in Service­Learning” and “Information and Communication Technologies for Community Development: Engaged Scholarship Approaches.”

2013 TechTeach@UIC
October 9, 2013
University of Illinois at Chicago
GSLIS master’s student Pia M. Hunter and GSLIS continuing education student Sandra De Groote will present, “Copyright for Instruction: Using Media in a Digital Age.”

Share the Vision 2013 Technology Showcase
October 10, 2013
Champaign, Illinois
GSLIS Associate Professor Catherine Blake will present, “Using the Claim Framework to Synthesize Evidence and Accelerate Scientific Discovery.” GSLIS Research Scientist Ian Brooks will present, “INDICATOR:  Integrating Common Data Sources for Community Health Monitoring.”

New York Comic Con
October 11-14, 2013
New York, New York
GSLIS Assistant Professor Carol Tilley will discuss “The Secret Origins of Comics Censorship” as part of a panel sponsored by the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

Code4Lib Midwest 2013
October 13-14, 2013
Iowa City, Iowa
GSLIS master's student Brian Zelip will present, “Supporting Community Memory: LocalWiki as Library Engagement.”

Illinois Library Association 2013 Conference
October 15-17, 2013
Chicago, Illinois
GSLIS master’s student Alvin Stockdale will present his poster, “Serving Those Who Served: Reaching Out to Our Post-9/11 Veteran Population.” GSLIS adjunct lecturer Jeanne Puacz will present, “Outrageous Outreach: From Flash Mobs to Freeze Reads,” along with Christine Bradfield of the Vigo County Public Library.

2013 National Rural Education Association (NREA) Convention
October 18-20, 2013
Branson, Missouri
GSLIS master’s student Regina Sierra Carter will present, “Books R Us: Exploration of Children’s Literature for Adult Lessons on Leadership.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention High Performance Computing Summit
October 21, 2013
Atlanta, Georgia 
GSLIS research scientist Ian Brooks will be giving a presentation; title to be announced.

ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship
October 21-22, 2013
New York, New York
GSLIS Senior Lecturer Maria Bonn will be attending as a participant in this annual, invitation-only conference held by ITHAKA with participation from innovators in the academic sphere.

The International UDC Seminar, Classification & Visualization: Interfaces to Knowledge
October 24-25, 2013
Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague, Netherlands
GSLIS Professor Emeritus W. Boyd Rayward will present a keynote address prefacing discussions about “models and metaphors of knowledge and information visualization that bridge historical and technological perspectives.” GSLIS Associate Professor Kathryn La Barre is an invited and fully funded speaker and will present, “Sempre Avanti? Some Reflections on Faceted Interfaces.” La Barre is also serving as one of the facilitators and external experts for a pre-conference workshop “Knowledge Orders and Science: A joined WG meeting of KNOWeSCAPE,” on October 23.

Books In Browsers
October 24-25, 2013
San Francisco, California
GSLIS Senior Lecturer Maria Bonn will be attending the meeting in her role as editor for The Journal of Electronic Publishing. JEP will be publishing the multimedia proceedings in late 2013.

DPLAfest (Digital Public Library of America) 2013
October 24-25, 2013
Boston, Massachusetts
GSLIS Professor J. Stephen Downie will present the workshop, “Data-mining and the DPLA.”

Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
Internet Research 14.0: Resistance and Appropriation
Denver, Colorado
October 24-27, 2013
GSLIS alumna and Assistant Professor of Media and Cinema Studies, Safiya Noble (MS ’09, PhD ’12) will participate in the workshop, “Research Directions in Identity and the Internet.”

Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
October 27-30, 2013
Denver, Colorado
GSLIS Professor and Director of CIRSS, Carole Palmer, co-authored a paper, “Data Curation Education in Research Centers (DCERC).”

Community Informatics Research Network Conference
October 28-30, 2013
Monash University, Prato, Italy
GSLIS Senior Research Scientist Martin Wolske will lead the workshop, “Towards a CIRN Diversity and Inclusion Statement.”

Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM)
October 31-November 2
Escola de Música de Brasília, Brazil
GSLIS Professor J. Stephen Downie will present the invited talk, “Using MIREX to Examine the Evolution of Music Information Retrieval Research” and a tutorial, “A Demonstration of Audio Music Discovery, Classification and Analytic Tools.”

ISLMA (Illinois School Library Media Association) Annual Conference
October 31-November 2
Springfield, Illinois
Georgeann Burch, K-12 program coordinator for GSLIS, will present, “Meet Ed TPA, the Teacher Performance Assessment.” Burch and Betty Bush, GSLIS adjunct lecturer, also will present “Lexiles and Beyond! Why Do Kids Have Trouble Reading Nonfiction?” GSLIS master’s student Leanne Brown will present, “Using CRISS Strategies in the Media Center to Support Common Core State Standards.” GSLIS master’s student Gretchen Zaitzeff will co-present “Tweet this! Social Media for Librarians.” GSLIS CAS student Amy Atkinson will present, "Read-Alouds: Tools Valuable to the Core"

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