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Claudia Serbanuta defends dissertation

Doctoral candidate Claudia Serbanuta successfully defended her dissertation, "Voices from the Other Side of the Wall: The Case of Romanian Libraries of the 1970s and the 1980s," on April 24.

Claudia Serbanuta

Alumnus David Kalat looks for hidden clues in a digital domain

David Kalat (MS '11) could be considered a Sherlock Holmes of the digital world. However, unlike Holmes hitting the streets of London for clues, Kalat's brand of sleuthing involves using computer forensics, electronic discovery, and data analytics to find the sometimes deeply concealed facts in a case.

David Kalat

iSchool to host Information Ethics Roundtable

This weekend, the iSchool will host Information Ethics Roundtable 2017, an annual conference that brings together researchers from across disciplines to discuss ethical issues such as information privacy, intellectual property, intellectual freedom, and censorship. The event, held on April 21-22 at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the iSchool, will focus on all aspects of data and ethics.

Get to know Shubhanshu Mishra, PhD student

As a computer networks software developer, Shubhanshu Mishra realized that he was less interested in software than in understanding its users and their social interactions. This insight led him to the iSchool at Illinois, where he is learning skills in his PhD studies that will prepare him for a new career in information science.

Shubhanshu Mishra

Kumasi to deliver 2017 Gryphon Lecture

Kafi D. Kumasi will deliver the 2017 Gryphon Lecture on Friday, April 28, at the iSchool. Sponsored annually by The Center for Children's Books (CCB), the lecture features a leading scholar in the field of youth and literature, media, and culture. It is free and open to the campus and public.

Kafi Kumasi

MS student Jessica Followell wins ChLA essay award

Jessica Followell is the 2017 master's student recipient of the Graduate Student Essay Award from the Children's Literature Association. Followell won the award for her essay, "Miracle Cures and Moral Lessons: Victorian Legacies in Contemporary Representations of Children with Disabilities," which examines two plot devices that emerged in children's literature during the Victoria era to discuss disabilities—the miracle cure and the moral lesson.

Jessica Followell

Harmon receives Society for Scholarly Publishing Fellowship

Master's student Ian Harmon has earned a fellowship from the Society for Scholarly Publishing. Out of 70 applicants, Harmon was chosen as one of twelve to receive the highly competitive fellowship. He will be provided with a wide range of career development opportunities.

Ian Harmon