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Alkalimat to deliver keynote at symposium on African American culture and philosophy

Professor Emeritus Abdul Alkalimat will give the keynote presentation at the 30th Symposium on African American Culture and Philosophy, which will be held from December 1-3 at Purdue University. This year's symposium will explore the "humanity" in the digital humanities as well as Africana/Black studies' perspectives.

Abdul Alkalimat (McWorter)

Ana Lucic defends dissertation

Doctoral candidate Ana Lucic successfully defended her dissertation, "Automatically Identifying Facet Roles from Comparative Structures to Support Biomedical Text Summarization," on November 17.

Bettivia examines significance in video game preservation

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Children playing this educational video game on their school's computer in the 1990s got an entertaining geography lesson while in hot pursuit of Carmen and her villains. Preserving a video game such as this for future generations to study and appreciate involves challenges beyond the obvious fact that computers no longer support the software needed to play the game.

Ximin Mi (MS '13) emphasizes lifelong learning and collaboration in award-winning video

In her winning video for the Wiley Scholarship for Early Career Librarians, Ximin Mi (MS '13) talks about the importance of lifelong learning—how learning doesn’t stop when you graduate. She put this concept into practice in making the video, which earned her a $1,500 travel grant that she will use to attend the Association of College & Research Libraries Conference in Baltimore this March.

Ximin Mi

Knox to discuss research on book challenges at NCTE

Assistant Professor Emily Knox will participate in the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, to be held November 17-20 in Atlanta, Georgia. She will serve as a panelist for the session, "How Teachers, Parents, and Communities Can Keep Students Reading."

iSchool students to present research at LITA Forum

Three iSchool students will participate in the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) Forum, which will be held November 17-20 in Fort Worth, Texas. The LITA Forum is the annual conference for professionals in archives, libraries, and other information services.

Van Orman joins iSchool as graduate studies advisor

Colin Van Orman (MS '15) joined the iSchool on November 1 as a graduate studies advisor. In his role, he will provide academic advising and program planning for students in the MS in library and information science (MS/LIS) program, as well as contribute to orientations and other student affairs programming.

Guide highlights best gift books for youth

The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books has released the 2016 Guide Book to Gift Books. This annual publication, available as a free downloadable pdf, highlights more than three hundred of the best books for giving and receiving. 

Cooke receives 2016 Cowan Award for Teaching and Mentoring in Diversity

Assistant Professor Nicole A. Cooke is the 2016 recipient of the Larine Y. Cowan Make a Difference Award for Teaching and Mentoring in Diversity, given annually by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The award honors Dr. Larine Y. Cowan, past director of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Access. 

Nicole A. Cooke