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Knox elected chair of NCAC Board

The National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC), an alliance of 59 national nonprofit organizations that is committed to the non-partisan defense of free expression, has elected Associate Professor Emily Knox as chair of its Board of Directors.

Emily Knox

Kilicoglu research group wins third prize in LitCoin NLP challenge

Members of Associate Professor Halil Kilicoglu's research lab won third prize, valued at $20,000, in the LitCoin Natural Language Processing (NLP) Challenge. The challenge, which was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), brought together government, medical research communities, and data scientists to create data-driven knowledge graphs that consolidate scientific literature knowledge across domains.

Halil Kilicoglu

Seo receives grant to improve accessibility in scientific and technical publishing

Assistant Professor JooYoung Seo has been awarded a $54,000 grant from RStudio, PBC to make its open-source scientific and technical publishing system Quarto more accessible. For his project, "Improving Accessible Reproducibility for Data Science Publishing System," he will collaborate with RStudio, PBC to develop and improve accessibility components of Quarto for people with and without dis/abilities.

JooYoung Seo

Pan selected for NCDS internship

This summer, MS/LIS student Loida Pan is serving as an intern with the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) National Center for Data Services (NCDS). She is one of eight students who were selected to participate in the competitive internship program, which launched in 2022. During her work on the NNLM Evaluation Center (NEC) Data Warehouse project, she will be learning how to build and use relational databases, hone her programming language skills, and retrieve data from application programming interfaces. 

Loida Pan

Wu and He receive FAccT distinguished paper award

A paper coauthored by PhD student Ziwei Wu and Associate Professor Jingrui He received the distinguished paper award during the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT). The interdisciplinary conference, which was held on June 21-24 in Seoul, South Korea, brings together a diverse community of scholars from computer science, law, social sciences, and humanities.

Ziwei Wu

Koh, Ge, and Petrella receive the 2022 American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Research Grant

A research paper co-authored by Associate Professor Kyungwon Koh; Xun Ge, professor of learning sciences at the University of Oklahoma; and iSchool doctoral candidate Julia Burns Petrella has received a 2022 American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Research Grant by the Educators of School Librarians Section of AASL. Sponsored by ABC-CLIO, these grants recognize "excellence in manuscripts addressing a persistent and recurring challenge in the field of school librarianship." The awarded paper, "Librarian-Teacher Co-Teaching and the Role of School Librarians in Facilitating Inquiry and Maker Learning," was recently published in School Library Research. Recipients will present their papers in October at the 2023 AASL National Conference in Tampa, Florida.

Kyungwon Koh

Jean Wilkins and Patricia Boze named Illinois Library Luminaries

iSchool alumni Jean Wilkins (MS/LIS '85) and Patricia Boze (MS/LIS '88) have been named Illinois Library Luminaries by the Illinois Library Association (ILA). This distinction honors individuals who have made a significant contribution to Illinois libraries. 

Jean Wilkins

Ruan receives CALA Outstanding Leadership Award

Research Affiliate Lian Ruan (MS/LIS '90, PhD '11) has been selected as the recipient of the 2021-2022 Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Outstanding Library Leadership Award in memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung. She was recognized at the CALA awards ceremony and board meeting on June 17.

Lian Ruan

Blake joins Carle Illinois as a Health Innovation Professor

Professor Catherine Blake is one of ten faculty members from across the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus who have been selected by the Carle Illinois College of Medicine as Health Innovation Professors (HIP). The new HIP faculty will collaborate with Carle Illinois students, physicians, and other health care providers to pursue new frontiers in health-related research and innovation, creating new opportunities for funding from government agencies, industry, and foundations. The new faculty members will also pioneer advancements in medical education and the integration of health-related concepts into undergraduate and graduate courses across the UIUC campus.

Catherine Blake

Guo receives dissertation fellowship

Doctoral candidate Qiuyan Guo has received a 2022 Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from Beta Phi Mu, the international library and information studies honor society. Beta Phi Mu awarded six fellowships, valued at $3,000 each, to doctoral students who are working on their dissertations in LIS, information studies, informatics, or a related field. Guo received the fellowship for her dissertation, "Exploring Chinese Celebrity Fans' Online Information Behaviors and Understandings of Their Fandom."

Qiuyan Guo