News Feed

GSLIS to launch MS in information management

GSLIS is pleased to announce plans to launch a Master of Science degree in information management (MS/IM). The proposal for the new degree was approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education on December 1. The MS/IM will be tailored to preparing individuals for information-intensive professional roles in a broad range of employment sectors. The curriculum was designed to meet the growing…

Mellon Foundation supports CIRSS research on linked open data, digitized special collections

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has been awarded a new research grant by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to explore the benefits for users of linked open data (LOD) for digitized library special collections. Timothy Cole (MS '89), mathematics librarian in the University Library and coordinator for library applications within the Center for Informatics Research in Science and…

2015 Downs Award given to HP Kids Read

The group HP Kids Read is the 2015 recipient of the Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award, given annually by the faculty of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and cosponsored by Libraries Unlimited.

GSLIS to make strong showing at ASIS&T 2015

GSLIS faculty and students will participate in the 78th Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, which will be held on November 6-10 in St. Louis.

Stakeholders express support, concern regarding name change proposal

Prior to the faculty vote to submit a proposal to change the name of our School, stakeholder feedback was solicited and shared with faculty. We valued the opportunity to hear from our alumni, students, faculty, and friends. As anticipated, we received a range of responses and viewpoints. The following information summarizes frequently occurring themes in the responses, which shared both…

Bhattacharyya, Khan, Tracy participate in DLF Forum

Several members of the GSLIS community will participate in this week's 2015 Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum, held on October 26-28 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Hosted by the Digital Library Federation, the DLF Forum is an annual meeting of professionals, students, and scholars working in areas related to digital librarianship. GSLIS postdoctoral research associate Sayan Bhattacharyya…

Faculty vote in favor of name change proposal

The GSLIS faculty have voted in favor of submitting a formal proposal to change the name of our School to the School of Information Sciences. This vote followed several years of discussion among faculty and a month-long period of stakeholder consultation during which formal feedback was solicited from alumni, students, staff, and friends. “This name encompasses the breadth of our teaching,…

GSLIS faculty, staff participate in first All for One Conference

GSLIS faculty and staff will participate in the 2015 All for One Conference: A Library State of Mind, the first joint conference of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) and the Illinois School Library Media Association, held in collaboration with the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries and the Special Libraries Association Illinois Chapter. The conference will be held on…

GSLIS co-organizes Summit on Online Education

“Answering Your Burning Questions” is the theme for this year’s campus Summit on Online Education. Now in its fifth year, the interdisciplinary event is designed to provide a forum for researchers, educators, and learners, both on and off campus, to meet and discuss topics related to online, blended, and technology-enhanced learning. The event will take place on October 14 at the Illini Union and…