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Wang to discuss inclusive privacy at Facebook headquarters

Associate Professor Yang Wang will present his research on inclusive privacy at Facebook's Digital Literacy & Transparency Design Jam on October 1 at the company's headquarters in Menlo Park, California. Design Jams are interactive workshops organized and facilitated by the Trust, Transparency and Control (TTC) Labs, a cross-industry effort driven by Facebook that hosts research, insights, and prototype design patterns related to improving user experiences for privacy and data. Wang will join a global team of experts from Facebook's Accessibility Team and the TTC Labs in creating innovative designs focused on transparency and control for people with low tech literacy.y

Yang Wang

University funds interdisciplinary game studies project

A project to support interdisciplinary game studies at the University of Illinois has received funding through the University's Investment for Growth initiative. Games @ Illinois: Playful Design for Transformative Education will support research and teaching at the dynamic intersection of play, immersive technologies, and interactive design. Participating units include the iSchool, Illinois Informatics Institute, College of Media, and College of Fine and Applied Arts.

Judith Pintar

iSchool researchers present at ro2019

iSchool researchers will present their work at the Workshop on Research Objects 2019 (ro2019), which will be held in conjunction with eScience 2019 on September 24-27 in San Diego, California. The Research Objects approach proposes a way to "package, describe, publish, archive, explore, and understand digital research outputs by reusing existing Web standards and formats." Workshop participants will explore recent advances and challenges remaining to increase Research Object uptake among data providers, researchers, and other stakeholders.

Join the iSchool at ALISE 2019

Join iSchool faculty and students for the annual conference of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), which will take place from September 24-26 in Knoxville, Tennessee. The theme of ALISE 2019 is "Exploring Learning in a Global Information Context." Dean and Professor Eunice E. Santos will provide welcoming remarks at the iSchool-sponsored School Representative's Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on September 25.

Underwood to discuss machine learning at Sawyer Seminar

Professor Ted Underwood will present his research on machine learning at the University of Pittsburgh on September 19. His talk is part of the University's Sawyer Seminar, a year-long project funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that brings together a diverse range of practitioners and disciplinary specialists to analyze the co-evolution of data and method across more than a century.

Ted Underwood

Chan presents research at 4S 2019

Associate Professor Anita Say Chan presented her research at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S 2019), which took place in New Orleans on September 4-7. The Society is an international, nonprofit association that fosters interdisciplinary scholarship in social studies of science, technology, and medicine (a field often referred to as STS). The theme of this year's meeting was "Innovations, Interruptions, and Regenerations."

Anita Say Chan

Schneider discusses argumentation mining research

Assistant Professor Jodi Schneider presented her research on argumentation mining at a doctoral workshop at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland on September 2-3. Her lecture and tutorials were featured during the University’s Language and Cognition program’s “Linguistic and Corpus Perspectives on Argumentative Discourse” workshop. Schneider discussed problem definitions, corpora, and argument annotation for mining arguments from text. 

Jodi Schneider

Bashir to speak at artificial intelligence conference

Associate Professor Masooda Bashir will present her research on trust formation in human-agent collaboration at the Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2019, which will be held September 5-6 in London. The conference, which brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, focuses on areas of intelligent systems and artificial intelligence and how they apply to the real world.

Masooda Bashir

Tilley gives keynote, receives honor for comics work

Associate Professor Carol Tilley shared her comics research at two conferences this summer: 6th International Comics Days, held at the University of São Paulo in Brazil, and the 2nd Annual Conference of the Comics Studies Society, held at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. At the latter event, she received an unexpected honor acknowledging her efforts to support comics scholars.

Carol Tilley

Sherman defends dissertation

Garrick Sherman successfully defended his PhD dissertation, "Document Expansion and Language Model Re-estimation for Information Retrieval," on August 22.

Garrick Sherman