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GSLIS eUpdate: Volume 13, Number 4

The GSLIS eUpdate, published every other month, summarizes current news, events, alumni and advancement highlights, and continuing professional development opportunities. Other publications that may be of interest to alumni and friends are listed on the GSLIS Publications web page. _____________________________________________________ IN THIS ISSUE GSLIS Spotlight GSLIS News Summary…

Weech, students to attend BOBCATSSS in Barcelona

Five GSLIS students will join Associate Professor Terry Weech at BOBCATSSS, an international symposium under the auspices of EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) that brings together library and information science professionals, researchers, educators, and students. CAS student Nicole Helregel and master's students Emilia Marcyk, Erik Radio, Angela…
(left to right): Nicole Helregel, Sarah Yarrito, Angela Stangl, and Emilia Marcyk

GSLIS to participate in 2014 ALISE Conference

GSLIS faculty, staff, and students will participate in the 2014 ALISE Annual Conference, which will be held January 21-24 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The theme of the conference is "Educational Entrepreneurship," and sessions will focus on a variety of topics related to incorporating entrepreneurship into LIS pedagogy and research. Tuesday, January 21 WISE Pedagogy Pre-conference…

GSLIS to serve as key partner in 'Humanities without Walls'

GSLIS will serve as a key intellectual and infrastructural partner for a new grant awarded to the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities (IPRH) by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The $3 million grant will fund the first two years of an extensive consortium of fifteen humanities institutes. IPRH, a division of the University of Illinois College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, provides…

GSLIS eUpdate: Volume 13, Number 3

The GSLIS eUpdate, published every other month, summarizes current news, events, alumni and advancement highlights, and continuing professional development opportunities. Other publications that may be of interest to alumni and friends are listed on the GSLIS Publications web page. _____________________________________________________ IN THIS ISSUE GSLIS Spotlight News Summary…

DaNae Leu receives 2013 Downs Intellectual Freedom Award

Elementary school librarian DaNae Leu is the recipient of the 2013 Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award given by the faculty of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Leu is being honored for her efforts to defend the picture book In Our Mothers’ House by Patricia Polacco against her school administration’s…

Tilley elected to ALISE Board

Assistant Professor Carol Tilley has been elected director of external relations for the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). She will officially begin her work after the ALISE annual meeting in January, 2014.

Carol Tilley

Langston and Young receive PLA conference travel grants

GSLIS students William Langston and Sophie Young have been selected to receive 2014 Spectrum Scholar/PLA Conference Travel Grants from the Public Library Association. In total, ten of the nation's 2013 Spectrum Scholars were selected to receive funding to attend the conference. Langston and Young, both master's students, were named ALA Spectrum Scholars earlier this year along with four other…

GSLIS to make strong showing at ASIS&T 2013

GSLIS faculty, students, and staff will participate in the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) 76th Annual Meeting, which will be held November 1-5 in Montreal.