Rae-Anne Montague, assistant dean for student affairs at GSLIS, has been named the February 2012 Ally of the Month by the SODA Committee of the Counseling Center, the LGBT Ally Network, and the LGBT Resource Center on campus. Upon announcing the honor, the SODA Committee shared the following interview with Montague: On behalf of the SODA Committee of the Counseling Center, the LGBT Ally Network,…
The master’s program in library and information science at GSLIS has been granted continued accreditation status by the Committee on Accreditation (COA) of the American Library Association (ALA). The decision was made at the 2012 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Dallas in January. The decision was based on the Program Presentation, the External Review Panel Report, all reports submitted by GSLIS since…
DePaul University has appointed Scott Walter as university librarian. Walter, a GSLIS affiliated faculty member, currently serves as associate university librarian for services and associate dean of libraries at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Walter also holds faculty appointments as professor of library administration and professor of library and information science and has held…
Paula T. Kaufman, Juanita J. and Robert E. Simpson Dean of Libraries and university librarian and GSLIS affiliated faculty member at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is the 2012 Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. The award, sponsored by YBP Library Services, recognizes an outstanding member of the library profession who…
GSLIS master’s student Brian Flota is the co-editor of a recently published book, The Politics of Post-9/11 Music: Sound, Trauma, and the Music Industry in the Time of Terror (Ashgate, 2011).From the publisher’s website:“Seeking to extend discussions of 9/11 music beyond the acts typically associated with the September 11th attacks—U2, Toby Keith, The Dixie Chicks, Bruce Springsteen—this…
The Library School Alumni Association (LSAA) is seeking nominations for three distinguished awards. The awards are given annually at the GSLIS alumni reception held at the American Library Association conference. The deadline for nomination is April 1, 2012. The Distinguished Alumnus Award recognizes an individual alumnus of GSLIS who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of library…
GSLIS eUpdateVolume 11, Number 4: January 2012_____________________________________________________ IN THIS ISSUE1. GSLIS Spotlight – Unsworth Accepts Vice Provost/CIO Position2. News Summary3. Continuing Professional Development4. Alumni Highlights5. Calendar of Events6. Unsubscribe and/or contact us
Note: We enjoy receiving and sharing news about your career and life accomplishments.…