News Feed

School welcomes specialized faculty

The iSchool is pleased to announce the appointment of three specialized faculty members. Craig Willis and Yang Zhang will join the School as teaching assistant professors, and Dave Mussulman will join the School as a lecturer.

Adler to join iSchool faculty

The iSchool is pleased to announce that Rachel Adler will join the faculty as an associate professor in August 2023. She currently serves as an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Northeastern Illinois University. 

Rachel Adler

Wagner to join iSchool faculty

The iSchool is pleased to announce that Travis L. Wagner will join the faculty as an assistant professor in August 2023. They currently serve as a lecturer in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland.

Travis Wagner

iSchool researchers receive best paper award at TrustNLP

A paper coauthored by PhD student Sullam Jeoung, Associate Professor Jana Diesner, and Associate Professor Halil Kilicoglu was named Best Long Paper at TrustNLP: Third Workshop on Trustworthy Natural Language Processing, which was held in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023).

Sullam Jeoung

MBDH Raises Awareness of HPC Opportunities for Persons With Disabilities

The possibilities of high-performance computing are boundless. Every day new and exciting innovations and discoveries are announced that have utilized the power of cyberinfrastructure, and such advancements that benefit all of society should also include all of society in their process. That's why the Midwest Big Data Innovation Hub (MBDH) has been working to amplify and demystify resources available to communities of persons with disabilities.

iSchool to present research at the Digital Humanities 2023 conference

iSchool faculty, staff, and students will present their research and contribute in a number of other ways at DH2023, the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), on July 10-14 in Graz, Austria. The digital humanities (DH) conference is the largest event of the international DH community and unites scholars from across the globe. The theme of this year's conference is "Collaboration as Opportunity."

Johnson elected president of IAP

Office Support Specialist Dimitria Johnson has been elected president of Illinois Administrative Professionals (IAP, formerly known as The Secretariat), an organization for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign employees in certain Civil Service classifications. She began her one-year term on July 1.

Dimitria Johnson

Blake named associate dean for academic affairs

Professor Catherine Blake has been named associate dean for academic affairs. In this new role, she provides leadership and oversight for academic programs, including program development, curriculum coordination, and continuous improvement of educational experiences.

Catherine Blake

Smith honored with Library Trends festschrift

In honor of Professor Emerita Linda C. Smith's contributions to the field of library and information science (LIS), Anita S. Coleman and Martha Kyrillidou have coedited "Library and Information Science, Interdisciplinary Perspectives: A Festschrift in Honor of Linda C. Smith," which comprises Volume 71, Issue 1, of Library Trends. The journal is published quarterly by Johns Hopkins University Press and is available by subscription both in print and online in Project MUSE.

Linda Smith festschrift