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BIG wraps up another successful semester of student consulting

This semester, students in the Business Information Group (BIG), the student consultancy group associated with Associate Professor Yoo-Seong Song's Applied Business Research class (IS 514), worked with clients in the areas of facial recognition technology, digital healthcare, telemetry-based marketing automation, cybersecurity, and market entry strategy.

Terry L. Weech to retire

After forty years of service to the iSchool, Associate Professor Terry L. Weech (MS '65, PhD '72) will retire at the end of December. Weech is well known for his teaching and research, his positive influence on students as an advisor and mentor, and his contributions to international librarianship and intellectual freedom.

Terry L Weech

Library Trends issue explores digital humanities in China

A new issue of Library Trends highlights the state of digital humanities in China. Digital Humanities and Libraries in China was edited by iSchool Research Affiliate Lian Ruan (PhD '11), head librarian at the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI), and Xingye Du, associate research librarian at the National Science Library in China.

Lian Ruan

Dahlen to deliver 2020 Gryphon Lecture

Sarah Park Dahlen (MS '09, PhD '09), iSchool research fellow and associate professor in the Master of Library and Information Science Program at St. Catherine University, will deliver the 2020 Gryphon Lecture on November 12. Sponsored annually by The Center for Children's Books (CCB), the lecture features a leading scholar in the field of youth and literature, media, and culture.

Sarah Park Dahlen

Nikolich joins iSchool as director of research and technology innovation

Anita Nikolich has joined the iSchool as director of research and technology innovation and research scientist. In her new position, she supports the iSchool's efforts to grow and expand research funding, tech transfer, and corporate relationships, and contributes to University-wide initiatives in big data science and computing.

Anita Nikolich

Get to Know: Penny Ames, Admissions and Records Supervisor

Our School is grateful for talented and dedicated staff, who contribute greatly to our teaching and research excellence. This "Get to Know" series highlights our staff, sharing their friendly faces and stories of professional success.

Penny Ames

Dean Emeritus Charles H. Davis passes away

Charles Hargis Davis ("Charlie," "Chuck," "Dave"), former dean and professor emeritus in the iSchool at Illinois, died peacefully at his home in Bloomington, Indiana, on September 24. He was 82 years old.

Charles Davis

Roosevelt honored for outstanding service

Tamara Roosevelt, senior grants and contracts coordinator at the iSchool, has received the Outstanding Service Award from Sponsored Programs and Research Compliance (SPaRC), a working group at the University of Illinois devoted to the management and administration of sponsored programs. She was presented with the award at the SPaRC Retreat on September 4.

Tamara Roosevelt

iSchool instructors ranked as excellent

Forty-one iSchool instructors were named in the University's List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent for Spring 2020. The rankings are released every semester, and results are based on the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) questionnaire forms maintained by Measurement and Evaluation in the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Only those instructors who gave out ICES forms during the semester and who released their data for publication are included in the list.

iSchool Building

Choi and Hopping receive promotions

Inkyung Choi and David Hopping have been promoted to the position of teaching assistant professor, effective August 16, 2020. Choi and Hopping joined the iSchool in August 2019 as a lecturer and visiting lecturer, respectively.