News Feed

Lipinski (PhD '98) named dean of UWM School of Information Studies

GSLIS alumnus Tomas A. Lipinski (PhD ‘98) has been named dean of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) School of Information Studies. Lipinski will assume his new role on October 1.Since completing his doctoral studies at GSLIS, Lipinski has been active in the field of library and information science. Most recently he served as director of the School of Library and Information Science at…

Tilley presents, publishes on comics history research

Assistant Professor Carol Tilley will deliver a keynote address at the 2014 Comics & Medicine Conference on June 27 at the Johns Hopkins Medical Campus in Baltimore, Maryland. This multidisciplinary conference will bring together healthcare professionals, artists, scholars, comics enthusiasts, and students to explore applications of graphic medicine—the use of comics in healthcare and medical…

Two GSLIS staffers retire, leave legacy of dedication and service

With more than thirty-five years of service to GSLIS each, Sally Eakin and Kathy Painter will both retire on May 31.Eakin, a staff clerk, joined the staff of what was then the Graduate School of Library Science in November 1978. Painter, an office administrator, was hired in September 1979. Through decades of change, not only have Eakin and Painter served as indispensable members of the front…
Kathy Painter (left) and Sally Eakin

HathiTrust Research Center Awards Four Prototyping Project Grants

[image1-right]The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) is pleased to announce the recipients of four Workset Creation for Scholarly Analysis (WCSA) prototyping project awards. These projects represent a range of approaches to developing new tools and techniques designed to assist researchers and scholars in: (1) identifying and selecting resources from within the HathiTrust; and (2) creating…

GSLIS offers Summer Getaway professional development workshops

GSLIS will offer a Summer Getaway professional development workshop series for school librarians on June 23-25. Workshops will focus on current topics in the field of school librarianship and will offer opportunities to gain hands-on experience using the newest technologies and to connect with like-minded professionals in the field. Participants can register for one, two, or three days. The cost…

Alumni elected to national leadership roles, board position

Two GSLIS alumni have recently been elected to national leadership positions, and a third to a national board of directors position.Ann Campion Riley (MS '77) has been elected vice-president/president-elect of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL). Her term as president-elect will begin in July 2014, and her one-year term as president will begin in July 2015. Riley is the…

GSLIS students launch InfoBlitz blog

Students of LIS590AP: Publishing as an Information Profession have learned the ins and outs of publishing during the first offering of the course this semester. To put theory into practice, the students have created InfoBlitz, a blog that will feature posts on a variety of LIS topics. Entries will include editorials, commentary on current issues in the field, and reports on field experiences,…

Noble honored with Faculty Scholar Award

[image1-right]GSLIS affiliated faculty member Safiya U. Noble (MS ’09, PhD ’12) has been honored with the 2014 Faculty Scholar Award by the University of Illinois Women’s Resources Center (WRC). This award recognizes scholarship that contributes to the advancement of feminism, promotes justice and equity, and supports anti-oppression education. Noble was honored for her work to reveal the role of…

Black speaks on information history at UW-Milwaukee

Professor Alistair Black gave an invited talk at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies on April 24 as part of the school’s Social Studies of Information Research Group speaker series. His presentation, “Information History: A Subject in Search of an Identity,” addressed the “fractured identity” of information history and its emergence in the field of library and…

GSLIS cosponsors Essential Information Workshop

Navigating career opportunities in libraries, research, and knowledge management? This month's Essential Information Workshop series will provide information about the variety of careers available to graduates of LIS programs, as well as assistance in applying to a graduate program and opportunities for networking and recruitment. GSLIS and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Richard J…