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BIG wraps up another successful semester of student consulting

This semester, students in the Business Information Group (BIG), the student consultancy group associated with Associate Professor Yoo-Seong Song's Applied Business Research class (IS 514), worked with clients in the areas of facial recognition technology, digital healthcare, telemetry-based marketing automation, cybersecurity, and market entry strategy.

Roberto defends dissertation

Doctoral candidate K.R. Roberto successfully defended their dissertation, "Description Is a Drag (and Vice Versa): Classifying Trans Identities," on December 11. Their committee included Associate Professor Kathryn La Barre (chair and research director), Associate Professor Carol Tilley; Toby Beauchamp, Gender and Womens Studies, University of Illinois; and Melissa Adler, Faculty of Information & Media Studies, University of Western Ontario.

KR Roberto

Sanchez uses coursework and experience to kickstart post-graduate plans

BS/IS student Bastian Sanchez has used the knowledge he gained from iSchool courses and campus internships to acquire post-graduate employment. He recently moved to Seattle to begin work as a systems support engineer with Legwork, a software development company.
Sanchez joined the BS/IS program as a senior after taking several iSchool courses. He has especially enjoyed learning about network systems and security.

Gradutes outside Foellinger Auditorium

Spectrum Scholar Spotlight: Megdi Abebe

A record fifteen iSchool master’s students were named 2020-2021 Spectrum Scholars by the American Library Association (ALA) Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services. This "Spectrum Scholar Spotlight" series highlights the School's scholars. MS/LIS student Megdi Abebe holds a BA in journalism from Michigan State University.

Megdi Abebe

Koval Scholarship is a life changer for MS student

Thanks to the generosity of Edward Koval and his family, MS/LIS student Claudia Farris can stop worrying about finances and simply focus on their studies. Farris is a recipient of the iSchool's Anna Mae Koval Scholarship, a need-based scholarship for students interested in youth services and literature.

Claudia Farris

Underwood and students present research at CHR2020

Professor Ted Underwood, PhD students Wenyi Shang and Yuerong Hu, MS/IM students Anirudh Sharma and Shubhangi Singhal, and English PhD student Peizhen Wu will present their research at the Workshop on Computational Humanities Research (CHR2020), which will be held virtually from November 18-20. The purpose of the workshop is to "foster the formation of a community of humanities scholars that rely on a wide range of computational approaches" and to serve as a stepping stone toward the creation of a research-oriented, open-access computational humanities journal.

Ted Underwood

Hoang to discuss drug-drug interaction research at AMIA

PhD student Linh Hoang will present her research with Assistant Professor Jodi Schneider and Assistant Professor Nigel Bosch at the AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) Annual Symposium, which will be held virtually from November 14-18. The symposium showcases the latest innovations from the community of biomedical informatics researchers and practitioners.

Linh Hoang

Bloch defends dissertation

Doctoral candidate Beth Bloch successfully defended her dissertation, "The Values and Ethics of Biomedical Engineering Practices in The Design of Novel Biotechnologies," on November 13.

Beth Bloch

Kilicoglu and Hoang present their bioinformatics research at AMIA

Associate Professor Halil Kilicoglu and PhD student Linh Hoang will present their research at the AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) Annual Symposium, which will be held virtually from November 14-18. The symposium showcases the latest innovations from the community of biomedical informatics researchers and practitioners.

Halil Kilicoglu

Mehta consults on Safer Illinois app during internship

MS/IM student Jinal Mehta credits her iSchool experience with helping her develop the skills she needed for a successful internship with ROKMETRO, creator of the Safer Illinois app. Safer Illinois, the official COVID-19 app for the University of Illinois, provides pandemic resources to support community health and safety. Mehta found out about the internship at ROKMETRO, a startup at the University of Illinois Research Park, through her involvement in Illinois Business Consulting.

Jinhal Mehta