News Feed

Anselmo highlighted in SLA 'Illuminate Illinois' feature

[image1-right:resize-180w]Linda Anselmo (MS '10) is the focus of a recent Illuminate Illinois feature by the Special Libraries Association (SLA) Illinois Chapter. Anselmo is a research librarian and manager of information services at the Chicago offices of the law firm Michael Best & Friedrich. Before beginning her master’s degree program at GSLIS, she worked as an accountant at the…

Chao and Kwong selected to participate in ALA Leadership Institute

GSLIS alumni Szu-Yu Chao (MS ’05) and Vincci Kwong (MS ’05) are among forty librarians selected to participate in Leading to the Future, a unique four-day immersive leadership development program sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA). The inaugural event will be held from August 12-15 in Itasca, Illinois.The program will be led by Maureen Sullivan, ALA president, and Kathryn Deiss,…

Schnuer receives 2013 John Ames Humphry/OCLC/Forest Press Award

[image1-right]The American Library Association's International Relations Committee has chosen Susan M. Schnuer (MS ’92), associate director at the University of Illinois Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, to receive this year's John Ames/Humphry/OCLC/ Forest Press Award. OCLC/Forest Press donated the cash award of $1,000, which is given to an individual for…

Bales featured in UMW Magazine

[image1-right]“I tell myself that no matter how I’m feeling, I have to be the Mick Jagger of the library world,” said GSLIS alumnus James E. “Jack” Bales (MS ’74) in a recent interview for the University of Mary Washington (UMW) Magazine. He approaches his library-research classes with enthusiasm and energy, much like musicians approach rock concerts. Bales has worked as a reference and…

Allen named Illinois Library Luminary

[image1-right]GSLIS alumna Rose Allen (MS ’01) has been named an Illinois Library Luminary by the Illinois Library Association (ILA). Friends and colleagues came together to nominate her and raise funds in her honor for the Illinois Library Association Endowment. Luminaries are selected for their significant contributions to Illinois libraries. Allen began her career as a library…

GSLIS alumni selected in CALA election

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) has announced the results of its 2013 election. Among those selected for new assignments beginning July 1, 2013, are the following GSLIS alumni: Lian Ruan (MS ’90, PhD ’11), vice president/president-elect (2013-2014)Sai Deng (MS ’05), member, Board of Directors (2013-2016)Win Shih (MS ’87), member, Board of Directors (2013-2016) CALA is a…

GSLIS alumni elected to ACRL positions

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has announced the results of its 2013 elections. Several GSLIS alumni have assumed positions in the association’s specialized sections: Wayne Bivens-Tatum (MS ’00), member-at-large (three-year term), University Libraries Section (ULS)Marianne Bracke (MS ’97), vice-chair/chair-elect, Science and Technology Section (STS)Lynda Duke (MS…

GSLIS alumni elected to leadership positions

Several GSLIS alumni were recently elected to serve in leadership positions for state and national library associations.Elizabeth Beers (MS ’06; CAS ’09), also a former LEEP adjunct faculty instructor, was elected as secretary/treasurer for ALA’s Library Research Round Table (LRRT). Beers will serve a two-year term beginning July 1, 2013.Keshia Garnett (MS ’01) and Amanda E. Standerfer (MS…

GSLIS graduation tassels now available

Graduation is approaching, and at this time of the year, we reflect on those individuals who have made a difference in our lives. New graduates and alumni are encouraged to honor GSLIS faculty and/or staff through the LSAA Tassel Project, which was established in 2011 by the Library School Alumni Association (LSAA) to support the creation of an endowed professorship in the School.With a…

Alumni named 2013 Movers & Shakers

Library Journal’s annual “Movers & Shakers” list recognizes professionals who are shaping the future of libraries in a variety of ways. The recently released 2013 class of Movers & Shakers includes two GSLIS alumni, Annette Bailey (MS ’01) and Maurice York (MS ’03), who have been recognized in the category of tech leaders. Bailey is the assistant director for electronic…