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iSchool researchers present at ro2019

iSchool researchers will present their work at the Workshop on Research Objects 2019 (ro2019), which will be held in conjunction with eScience 2019 on September 24-27 in San Diego, California. The Research Objects approach proposes a way to "package, describe, publish, archive, explore, and understand digital research outputs by reusing existing Web standards and formats." Workshop participants will explore recent advances and challenges remaining to increase Research Object uptake among data providers, researchers, and other stakeholders.

Practicum experience serves as homecoming for Nicole Miller

This summer MS/LIS student Nicole Miller returned home to San Antonio, Texas, to complete a practicum with the public library system that first sparked her interest in library and information science. When Miller was a teenager, she logged over 450 hours of community service with the teen program at the San Antonio Public Library. After completing her BA in literary studies from The University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson, she volunteered again at the library while finishing applications for master’s degree programs.

Nicole Miller

Join the iSchool at ALISE 2019

Join iSchool faculty and students for the annual conference of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), which will take place from September 24-26 in Knoxville, Tennessee. The theme of ALISE 2019 is "Exploring Learning in a Global Information Context." Dean and Professor Eunice E. Santos will provide welcoming remarks at the iSchool-sponsored School Representative's Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on September 25.

iSchool students recognized by Research Park for outstanding work

Two students in the MS in information management (MS/IM) program received top honors for their performance as interns at the University's Research Park. Saurav Yadav was named "Most Outstanding Graduate Intern" for his work at the COUNTRY Financial DigitaLab, and Harshit Gupta received the award for "Best Technological Innovation" for his work as a data scientist technology intern at Syngenta.

Saurav Yadav and Harshit Gupta

Sherman defends dissertation

Garrick Sherman successfully defended his PhD dissertation, "Document Expansion and Language Model Re-estimation for Information Retrieval," on August 22.

Garrick Sherman

Jett defends dissertation

Doctoral candidate Jacob Jett successfully defended his dissertation, "Towards a General Conceptual Model for Bibliographic Aggregates," on August 12.

Jacob Jett

Get to know Lauren Camarillo, MS student

After completing her MS/LIS degree, Lauren Camarillo would like to work in an academic library with first-year and/or first-generation students. She recently was selected to participate in the 2019-2021 Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Kaleidoscope Diversity Scholars Program, which offers financial support as well as professional development opportunities. 

Lauren Camarillo

Get to know Ben Chiewphasa, MS student

Leep student Ben Chiewphasa recently received a 2019 W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship from the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the American Library Association. The scholarship provides financial assistance to individuals enrolled in an MS/LIS degree program who are currently working with government documents in a library. Chiewphasa works as an adjunct government information librarian and cataloging specialist at the University of Montana and will transition to a tenure-track faculty government information librarian position at the University when he graduates in August.

Ben Chiewphasa

Mishra defends dissertation

Doctoral candidate Shubhanshu Mishra successfully defended his dissertation, "Information Extraction from Digital Social Trace Data with Applications to Social Media and Scholarly Communication Data," on June 24.