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Brooks discusses health informatics at ITU conference

Director of the Center for Health Informatics and iSchool Research Scientist Ian Brooks gave an invited talk at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Kaleidoscope academic conference, which was held on December 4-6 in Atlanta, Georgia. ITU is the United Nations' specialized agency for information and communication technologies. Brooks’ presentation was part of the WHO special panel on the digital transformation of the health sector.

Ian Brooks

Book chapter coauthored by Knox discusses FOI requests

Associate Professor and BS/IS Program Director Emily Knox has coauthored a chapter in the book Freedom of Information and Social Science Research Design, which is being published by Routledge this month. Edited by Kevin Walby and Alex Luscombe, the book demonstrates how Freedom of Information (FOI) law and processes can contribute to social science research design across sociology, criminology, political science, anthropology, journalism, and education.

Emily Knox

Kilicoglu to present at meta-research conference

Associate Professor Halil Kilicoglu will give an invited talk at the conference on “Meta-research for transforming clinical research,” which will be held on November 25 at the Académie Nationale de Médecine in Paris. The conference, organized by the EU-funded Methods in Research on Research (MiRoR) consortium, will bring together experts on meta-research from the U.S. and Europe. MiRoR is an interdisciplinary, joint doctoral training program for future generations of scientists working at the intersection of meta-research and medicine.

Halil Kilicoglu

Underwood to present lecture as Visiting Scaliger Professor

Professor Ted Underwood will give a lecture at Leiden University in the Netherlands as the Visiting Scaliger Professor for 2019. The position is affiliated with both the Scaliger Institute of Leiden University Libraries and the Faculty of Humanities. In his talk on November 21, "The Role of the Humanities in an Information Age," Underwood will discuss how "humanists are joining hands with data science to create a form of public reflection that fuses the scale of machine learning with the historical self-consciousness of humanistic tradition."

Ted Underwood

Stodden to present reproducibility research at two distinguished lectures

Associate Professor Victoria Stodden will give distinguished lectures at the University of Chicago on November 19 and Northwestern University on November 20. These lectures will focus on her reproducibility research as well as her work as a member of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Committee on Reproducibility and Replicability.

Victoria Stodden

Huang presents social computing, AI research at CSCW 2019

Assistant Professor Yun Huang presented her research at the 22nd ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2019), which was held November 9-13 in Austin, Texas. CSCW is the premier venue for experts from industry and academia to explore the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technology to support collaborative work and life activities.

Yun Huang

Mak discusses materiality of texts at the University of Copenhagen

Associate Professor Bonnie Mak is an invited speaker at Literature and Formats, a symposium on the materiality of texts, which will be held at the University of Copenhagen on November 15-16. Organized by the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, the event will bring together an international slate of speakers to examine the complex relationship between text and format. Mak's paper, "Scholarship and Its Formats: Documenting the Humanities," explores the enduring features of humanistic scholarship in different technological contexts.

Bonnie Mak

Magee to present research at YALSA Symposium

Assistant Professor Rachel M. Magee will present her research at the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Symposium, which will be held on November 1-3 in Memphis, Tennessee. She will discuss her IMLS-funded Young Researchers project during the preconference workshop, "Literacies You Didn't Talk About in Library School." The workshop will involve "hands-on activities and conversation focused on supporting youth library staff, and the teens they work with, in the development of literacies that lead to future academic, civic, and personal success."

Rachel Magee

Wolske to present at CIRN conference

Teaching Assistant Professor Martin Wolske will present his work at the 17th annual Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) Conference, which will be held on November 6-8 in Prato, Italy. The theme of this year's conference is "Whose Agenda: Action, Research, & Politics." Wolske also serves on the 2019 conference committee.

Martin Wolske

Dwyer and Wong complete digital humanities projects at Oxford

This past summer MS/LIS students Kaylen Dwyer and Jasmine Wong participated in the Oxford-Illinois Digital Library Placement Program, an ongoing collaboration between Illinois and Oxford. The 2019 program partnered with the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) as part of the grant "Digging Deeper, Reaching Further: Libraries Empowering Users to Mine the HathiTrust Digital Library Resources." The students proposed their own independent projects and were advised by faculty members at Oxford e-Research Center, David de Roure and Kevin Page, and iSchool partners Professor J. Stephen Downie and Visiting Research Services Specialist Ryan Dubnicek.