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Tilley gives keynote addresses on comics

Carol Tilley will be a keynote speaker for the NASIG 32nd Annual Conference, which will be held June 8-11 in Indianapolis. An independent association of librarians and academic publishing professionals, NASIG promotes communication, information, and continuing education about scholarly communications, serials, and electronic resources. 

Schlipf and Moorman author “how-to” book on library buildings

Adjunct Professor Fred Schlipf and iSchool alumnus John Moorman (PhD '03) drew upon their wealth of experience working in libraries when writing The Practical Handbook of Library Architecture, which will be available this fall from ALA Editions. The authors are both retired directors of public libraries.

The Practical Handbook of Library Architecture

Downie among eight faculty selected for NCSA Fellowships

J. Stephen Downie, professor and associate dean for research, has been named a National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Faculty Fellowship awardee for the 2017-18 academic year. Faculty Fellows work with NCSA on specific projects aimed to help solve grand challenges facing all people, including deep learning, the internet of things, data analysis, volcano activity, and more.

Diesner and Underwood to present research at Cultural Analytics 2017

Assistant Professor Jana Diesner and Professor Ted Underwood will present at Cultural Analytics 2017, a symposium devoted to new research in the fields of computational and data-intensive cultural studies, which will be held at the University of Notre Dame on May 26-27.

Turk recognized by NCSA for outstanding mentorship

Assistant Professor Matthew Turk has been recognized by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) as an outstanding 2016-2017 SPIN mentor. The SPIN (Students Pushing Innovation) internship at NCSA provides undergraduates at Illinois with the opportunity to apply their skills to real challenges in areas such as high-performance computing, data analysis and visualization, and cybersecurity.

Matthew Turk

1970s program attempted to diversify Illinois library school

Thirty minority students were recruited in the early 1970s to attend the Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences (now the School of Information Sciences) at the University of Illinois. Called the Carnegie Scholars, all but one of the black and Latino students graduated, and they went on to successful careers in and out of the library profession.

Carnegie Scholars

Katz to discuss software citation research at conference, summer institute

Daniel S. Katz, iSchool affiliated faculty member and assistant director for scientific software and applications at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), is coleading a group that is working to encourage broad adoption of a consistent policy for software citation across disciplines. 

Daniel Katz

Bruce to teach inquiry-based learning course this summer

Professor Emeritus Chip Bruce will return to the iSchool this summer to teach Inquiry-based Learning (LIS 590IBL). In this online course, students will examine the nature of inquiry and inquiry-based learning, engage in inquiry-based learning, and consider obstacles to learning, including those related to management, assessment, basic skills, cultural differences, and pedagogical goals.

iSchool faculty, students participate in Social Media Analytics Summit

iSchool faculty and students will participate in the University of Illinois Social Media Analytics Summit, which will be held on Tuesday, May 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The event will take place at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) auditorium.

Social Media Summit