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Knutson shares outcomes of U.S.-Russia Library Dialogue at Dartmouth Conference

Adjunct Assistant Professor Ellen Knutson (MS '02, PhD '08) was part of the U.S. delegation to the Dartmouth Conference: U.S.-Russia Citizen Dialogue in the 21st Century, which took place on December 3-5 in Dayton, Ohio. The Dartmouth Conference is the longest continuous bilateral dialogue between citizens of Russia and the U.S. focused on the changing nature of the relationship between the two countries.

Ellen Knutson

Dominguez receives award from SLA Military Libraries Division

Leep student Meredith Dominguez has received the 2019 Military Libraries Training Workshop Student Award from the Military Libraries Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA). The award will cover her travel and registration expenses for the Military Libraries Training Workshop, which will be held on December 10-12 in Arlington, Virginia.

Meredith Dominguez

Book chapter coauthored by Knox discusses FOI requests

Associate Professor and BS/IS Program Director Emily Knox has coauthored a chapter in the book Freedom of Information and Social Science Research Design, which is being published by Routledge this month. Edited by Kevin Walby and Alex Luscombe, the book demonstrates how Freedom of Information (FOI) law and processes can contribute to social science research design across sociology, criminology, political science, anthropology, journalism, and education.

Emily Knox

Alumni selected as ALA Emerging Leaders

Three iSchool alumni have been selected by the American Library Association (ALA) to participate in its 2020 class of Emerging Leaders.

Elizabeth (Lizzy) Boden (MS '18), Teresa Moreno (MS '19), and Jodi Silverman (MS '16) are included in this year's class of fifty individuals from across the country. This leadership development initiative provides opportunities for newer library professionals to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, observe ALA structure, and serve the profession in a leadership capacity.

Internship Spotlight: PwC

MS/IM student Devashish Sahay discusses his summer internship at PwC. After he graduates this month, he will return to PwC as a technology consultant.

Devashish Sahay

Pinkney receives grant from the Caxton Club

MS/LIS student Annabel Pinkney has been awarded a grant from the Caxton Club, a not-for-profit organization devoted to the study and promotion of the book arts. The grant will support her project, "Advanced Studies of the Book Structure," in which Pinkney is creating a portfolio of at least ten book repair treatments of varying difficulty.

Annabel Pinkney

Richardson legacy to live on through new award

To her many students, Professor Emerita Selma Richardson (1931-2019) was not only a dedicated teacher but also a mentor and role model. At the iSchool, she taught classes on children's literature and served as an advisor to students pursuing careers as school librarians. An authority on school library media services, Richardson worked in a number of school libraries, including Oak Park and River Forest High School, before joining the University of Illinois in 1974.

Selma Richardson

Hinchliffe elected co-secretary general of the UNESCO-GAPMIL program

Affiliate Professor Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, professor and coordinator for information literacy services in the University Library, has been elected as the co-secretary general of the International Steering Committee (ISC) for the UNESCO Global Alliance on Partnerships for Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL). GAPMIL is a groundbreaking effort to promote international cooperation to ensure that all citizens have access to media and information competencies. In consultation with the international agencies, the ISC coordinates the overall implementation of GAPMIL activities.

Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe

Kilicoglu to present at meta-research conference

Associate Professor Halil Kilicoglu will give an invited talk at the conference on “Meta-research for transforming clinical research,” which will be held on November 25 at the Académie Nationale de Médecine in Paris. The conference, organized by the EU-funded Methods in Research on Research (MiRoR) consortium, will bring together experts on meta-research from the U.S. and Europe. MiRoR is an interdisciplinary, joint doctoral training program for future generations of scientists working at the intersection of meta-research and medicine.

Halil Kilicoglu

Knox and Pintar named CITL Faculty Fellows

Associate Professor and BS/IS Program Director Emily Knox and Teaching Associate Professor Judith Pintar have been named Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) Faculty Fellows. This new program, which is supported by the Office of the Provost, "draws upon Fellows' unique perspectives and academic interests to assist CITL staff in identifying faculty needs and reducing barriers to participation in CITL programs, workshops, and events."