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Kilicoglu to present at meta-research conference

Associate Professor Halil Kilicoglu will give an invited talk at the conference on “Meta-research for transforming clinical research,” which will be held on November 25 at the Académie Nationale de Médecine in Paris. The conference, organized by the EU-funded Methods in Research on Research (MiRoR) consortium, will bring together experts on meta-research from the U.S. and Europe. MiRoR is an interdisciplinary, joint doctoral training program for future generations of scientists working at the intersection of meta-research and medicine.

Halil Kilicoglu

Knox and Pintar named CITL Faculty Fellows

Associate Professor and BS/IS Program Director Emily Knox and Teaching Associate Professor Judith Pintar have been named Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) Faculty Fellows. This new program, which is supported by the Office of the Provost, "draws upon Fellows' unique perspectives and academic interests to assist CITL staff in identifying faculty needs and reducing barriers to participation in CITL programs, workshops, and events."

Visualizing how Americans spend their time earns Parmar first place in competition

MS/IM student Pranay Parmar won first place in the Data Visualization Competition sponsored by the University of Illinois Library's Scholarly Commons. The competition provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills in visually communicating information. Winners were announced on October 22 at the 2019 Scholarly Commons Open House.

Pranay Parmar

2019 Guide to Gift Books now available

The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books has released the 2019 Guide Book to Gift Books. This annual publication, available as a free downloadable pdf, highlights over one hundred of the best books for giving and receiving. 

BCCB holiday gift guide

Underwood to present lecture as Visiting Scaliger Professor

Professor Ted Underwood will give a lecture at Leiden University in the Netherlands as the Visiting Scaliger Professor for 2019. The position is affiliated with both the Scaliger Institute of Leiden University Libraries and the Faculty of Humanities. In his talk on November 21, "The Role of the Humanities in an Information Age," Underwood will discuss how "humanists are joining hands with data science to create a form of public reflection that fuses the scale of machine learning with the historical self-consciousness of humanistic tradition."

Ted Underwood

Get to Know: Candy Edwards, Office Administrator

Our School is grateful for talented and dedicated staff, who contribute greatly to our teaching and research excellence. This "Get to Know" series highlights our staff, sharing their friendly faces and stories of professional success.

Candy Edwards

Stodden to present reproducibility research at two distinguished lectures

Associate Professor Victoria Stodden will give distinguished lectures at the University of Chicago on November 19 and Northwestern University on November 20. These lectures will focus on her reproducibility research as well as her work as a member of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Committee on Reproducibility and Replicability.

Victoria Stodden

Huang presents social computing, AI research at CSCW 2019

Assistant Professor Yun Huang presented her research at the 22nd ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2019), which was held November 9-13 in Austin, Texas. CSCW is the premier venue for experts from industry and academia to explore the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technology to support collaborative work and life activities.

Yun Huang

Hoh serves as panelist at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

MS/LIS student Monica Hoh was invited by the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) to participate in the Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair). The event, which was held October 16-20 in Frankfurt, Germany, is the world's largest trade fair for books and draws more visitors than any other book fair.

Monica Hoh

2019 Downs Intellectual Freedom Award given to the Education Justice Project

For its defense of the First Amendment rights of incarcerated individuals, the Education Justice Project (EJP) has earned the 2019 Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award. EJP is a social justice and academic community of incarcerated students, educators, formerly incarcerated individuals, family members of the incarcerated, and others. Based at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, EJP offers educational programs to eligible individuals incarcerated at Danville Correctional Center (DCC), a men’s medium-security state prison 35 miles from the Urbana campus.

EJP library at the Danville Correctional Center