News Feed

Faculty, doctoral students to speak at Library History Seminar

Several members of the GSLIS faculty and student body will participate in Library History Seminar XIII on July 31 - August 2 at Simmons College. The seminar, which takes place every five years, is sponsored by the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association. The theme of the 2015 event is “Libraries: Traditions and Innovations.” Presentations by GSLIS faculty and students…

Black to speak at Trans-Atlantic Dialogues conference

How do heritages travel? How is trans-Atlantic tourism shaped by heritage? To what extent have traditions crossed and recrossed the Atlantic? Professor Alistair Black and fellow scholars from both sides of the Atlantic will gather in Liverpool, UK, July 13-16 to discuss these questions. Trans-Atlantic Dialogues on Cultural Hertiage: Heritage, Tourism, and Traditions is hosted jointly by the…

Wolske, Faust lead interactive workshop at ISTE 2015

Senior Research Scientist Martin Wolske and incoming CAS student Travis Faust (MS '15) were among more than 15,000 attendees of the International Society for Technology and Education (ISTE) annual conference. Held June 28 - July 1 in Philadelphia, ISTE 2015 drew teachers, administrators, media specialists, and other educational technology enthusiasts. Wolske and Faust, along with alumna Miriam…

Tilley speaks at summer comics conventions

Associate Professor Carol Tilley will join thousands of her fellow comic book fans in San Diego July 9-12 for Comic-Con International, one of the largest comics and entertainment events in the world. Tilley will share her expertise in comics and comics history through her participation in the following panel discussions: "Lost (and Found) Comics Studies of the Past," with authors Brad Ricca…

Three from GSLIS speak at DH2015

Three members of the GSLIS community will participate in Digital Humanities 2015 (DH2015), the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. The event will be held June 29 - July 3 at the University of Western Sydney. Professor and Associate Dean for Research J. Stephen Downie will participate in a panel discussion titled, "Digital Dunhuang: Enhancing Virtual…

Join GSLIS at ALA Annual 2015

GSLIS faculty, staff, and students will participate in the American Library Association’s 2015 Annual Conference from June 25-30 in San Francisco. Stop by and visit us in the Exhibit Hall at Booth #3524. In addition to the presentations listed below, please join us for the LSAA Reception and Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 28, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Marriott Marquis San Francisco.…

GSLIS to make strong showing at JCDL 2015

GSLIS faculty, staff, and students will present their research at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), held at the University of Tennessee on June 21-25. The event brings together international scholars focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, organizational, and social issues. The goal is to provide a forum for shared learning and facilitate the application of knowledge for research, development, construction, and utilization in digital libraries.

Hoiem, Hayes to speak at Children's Literature Association conference

Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hoiem and doctoral student Melissa Hayes will participate in the annual conference of the Children’s Literature Association coming up June 18-20 in Richmond, Virginia. The theme of the year’s conference is “‘Give me liberty, or give me death!’: The High Stakes and Dark Sides of Children’s Literature.” Hoiem will chair a session titled, “Liberty and Death for the…

Diesner presents at International Conference on Web and Social Media

Assistant Professor Jana Diesner spoke at the ninth International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) on May 27. Hosted annually by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, ICWSM addresses themes in social and computational sciences related to human social behavior on the web. The 2015 conference was held May 26-29 at the University of Oxford.

Assistant Professor Jana Diesner

GSLIS research presented at HASTAC 2015

Several GSLIS affiliates presented this week at HASTAC 2015, the annual conference of the Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory. Held at Michigan State University May 28-29, HASTAC 2015 featured presentations relating to the theme, "Art and Science of Digital Humanities." GSLIS postdoctoral research associate Sayan Bhattacharyya presented an interactive session…