News Feed

Song joins iSchool faculty

Yoo-Seong Song, faculty member and librarian at the University Library, now has a joint appointment with the iSchool. As a result, he will increase the number of courses he teaches for the School and participate more broadly in advising students who focus on information consulting and related areas.

Yoo-Seong Song

Koh to discuss youth maker learning at AERA Annual Meeting

Associate Professor Kyungwon Koh and her collaborators from the University of Oklahoma and Norman Public Schools will present their research at the 2019 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, which will be held on April 5-9 in Toronto, Canada. The theme of this year's meeting is "Leveraging Education Research in a Post-Truth Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence."

Kyungwon Koh

Knox edits book on information ethics

Associate Professor and BS/IS Program Director Emily Knox and John T. F. Burgess, assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alabama, have co-edited a new book. Foundations of Information Ethics, recently published by ALA Neal-Schuman, covers principles and concepts in information ethics as well as the history of ethics in the information professions. 

Foundations of Information Ethics

iSchool to make strong showing at iConference 2019

The following iSchool faculty, staff, and students will participate in iConference 2019, which will be held March 31-April 1 in Washington, D.C. The annual event brings together scholars, researchers, and information professionals to share insights on critical information issues. The theme of this year's conference is "Inform. Include. Inspire."

Hoang presents research on drug-drug interactions

PhD student Linh Hoang presented her research with Assistant Professor Jodi Schneider at the AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering, which was held March 25-27 at Stanford University. 

Linh Hoang

iSchool faculty ranked as excellent for Fall 2018

Eighteen iSchool instructors were named in the University's List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent for Fall 2018. The rankings are released every semester, and results are based on the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) questionnaire forms maintained by Measurement and Evaluation in the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Only those instructors who gave out ICES forms during the semester and who released their data for publication are included in the list.

Stodden reappointed to National Academy of Engineering Online Ethics Center Advisory Group

Associate Professor Victoria Stodden has been reappointed as a member of the Advisory Group for the National Academy of Engineering Online Ethics Center (OEC). OEC provides resources for understanding and addressing ethically significant issues in science and engineering, serving those who promote learning and advance the understanding of responsible research and practice.

Victoria Stodden

Chan joins iSchool faculty

The iSchool is pleased to announce that Anita Say Chan has joined the faculty. She also holds a joint appointment with the College of Media, where she is an associate professor of communications in the Department of Media and Cinema Studies.

Anita Say Chan

Downie to give keynote at digital scholarship symposium

Professor and Associate Dean for Research J. Stephen Downie will be the keynote speaker for Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019, which will be held on March 19 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The theme of this year's symposium is "(Re-)Mining Text: From Traditional to Digital." Co-organized by the Hong Kong Literature Research Centre and CUHK Library, the event aims to explore techniques and applications of text mining in the era of digital scholarship.

Stephen Downie

Bonn to present research at NFAIS 2019 Humanities Roundtable

Associate Professor Maria Bonn will discuss Publishing Without Walls (PWW) at the National Federation of Advanced Information Science (NFAIS) 2019 Humanities Roundtable, which will be held on March 10 in Washington, D.C. The topic of this year's program is "Evaluation of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities and Its Impact." It will address the skills, tools, and resources required for digital humanities evaluation as well as how publishers, libraries, and content aggregators can better support digital humanities.

Maria Bonn