News Feed

iSchool instructors ranked as excellent

Forty-four iSchool instructors were named in the University's List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent for Spring 2022. The rankings are released every semester, and results are based on the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) questionnaire forms maintained by Measurement and Evaluation in the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Only those instructors who gave out ICES forms during the semester and who released their data for publication are included in the list.

iSchool Building

Moore to advance School’s DEIA mission

Eugene L. Moore has joined the iSchool as assistant dean for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. In his new position, he will provide professional expertise, strategic leadership, administrative oversight, and collaborative guidance to advance the School's DEIA mission and initiatives.

Eugene Moore

Shaw joins advising team

Talia Shaw has joined the iSchool as academic advisor and coordinator of graduate affairs. In this position, she will primarily provide academic advising and support to MS/LIS students as well as develop and facilitate programming/workshops, review applications for admission, and create new resources in collaboration with Student Affairs colleagues.

Talia Shaw

Kathryn Luther Henderson passes away

Professor Emerita Kathryn (Kathie) Luther Henderson passed away at home on August 18. She was determinedly independent until the start of her final illness on her 99th birthday.

Kathryn Luther Henderson

Thirteen iSchool students named 2022-2023 ALA Spectrum Scholars

Thirteen iSchool master's students have been named 2022-2023 Spectrum Scholars by the American Library Association (ALA) Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services. Since 1997, the Spectrum Scholarship Program has promoted diversity among graduate-level students pursuing degrees in library and information studies through ALA-accredited programs.

iSchool Building

Hagler to oversee recruitment and admissions

Katrina Hagler joined the iSchool on August 8 as director of recruitment and admissions. In this position, she will oversee recruiting and admissions for the School's degree programs.

Katrina Hagler

Ames receives Chancellor’s Distinguished Staff Award

Penny Ames, admissions and records coordinator, is among the eight civil service employees from across the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign who have been named recipients of the 2022 Chancellor's Distinguished Staff Award. Each recipient of the Chancellor's Distinguished Staff Award receives $1,000 and a plaque. Recipients' names also are engraved on a plaque displayed in the Illinois Human Resources Office.

Penny Ames

Maulding joins the iSchool’s HR team

Kalie Maulding joined the iSchool on July 5 as a human resources specialist. In her new position, she will assist with all human resources functions at the School.

Kalie Maulding

Enrollment expansion continues with new data science degree

The School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the iSchool at Illinois, is pleased to announce its newest degree offering, the Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences + Data Science (BS/IS+DS).

New life for letterpress printing

The old, green hand press that used to be stationed on the first floor of the iSchool building is getting a new lease on life. It has been moved to the Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab, where students and community members will be using it for letterpress printing. The Washington-style hand press, which was manufactured in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century by Reliance, was used for teaching and fine printing at the University of Illinois for decades before becoming a show piece at the iSchool.

type for printing press