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Wong edits book on reference and information services

Adjunct Lecturer Melissa Wong and Laura Saunders, associate professor of library and information science at Simmons University, have co-edited a new book, Reference and Information Services, 6th edition, which was recently published by ABC-CLIO. The first half of the book establishes a foundation of knowledge on reference service and frames each topic with ethical and social justice perspectives, while the second half introduces tools and resources used by reference professionals.

Melissa Wong

Turner receives CARLI Scholarship

Master's student Victoria Turner has been selected to receive a scholarship from the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI). Awarded for the first time in the 2020-2021 academic year, the CARLI Scholarship provides financial assistance to current employees of CARLI Governing Member Libraries pursuing graduate studies leading to a master's degree in library and information science at the University of Illinois. CARLI provides library services and support to 128 Illinois public universities, community colleges, private colleges and universities, and special libraries.

Victoria Turner

Barbosa and Wang receive Facebook grant to design privacy controls for ad targeting

iSchool PhD student Natã Barbosa and his advisor Associate Professor Yang Wang have received a $65,053 grant from Facebook for their project, "In-Situ Privacy Controls of Profiling and Ad-Targeting." The goal of the project is to design a privacy control framework that makes profiling and ad-targeting more transparent to ordinary Internet users.

Yang Wang

Anderson selected as 2019-2021 iSchool research fellow

Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson has been selected by the iSchool faculty as a research fellow for the 2019-2021 academic years. Research fellows are chosen because their work is relevant to the interests of the School's faculty and students. During the period of their appointments, fellows give at least one public lecture.

Theresa Anderson

Get to know Becky Graham, MS graduate

New graduate Becky Graham will head to Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, to begin her job as assistant professor/instructional design and technology librarian.

Becky Graham

Santos presents data science research at IEEE workshop

Professor and Dean Eunice E. Santos presented her research and served as a panelist at the Workshop on Women in Data Science (WiDS), which was held online on April 24. The workshop was part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), which brings together researchers in data engineering and data-intensive systems. Santos gave an invited address, "Social Information, Data Modeling and Analysis Frameworks."

Eunice Santos

Get to Know: William Emery, Office Support Associate

Our School is grateful for talented and dedicated staff, who contribute greatly to our teaching and research excellence. This "Get to Know" series highlights William Emery, Office Support Associate.

William Emery

Student award recipients announced

Each year, the School recognizes a group of outstanding students for their achievement in academics as well as a number of attributes that contribute to professional success. Congratulations to this year's honorees!

Diesner joins Science Advances editorial board

Associate Professor and PhD Program Director Jana Diesner is a new associate editor on the editorial board of Science Advances, the open access multidisciplinary journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The journal supports the AAAS mission by extending the capacity of Science magazine to identify and promote significant advances in science and engineering across a wide range of areas. Science Advances editors not only have stellar reputations in their disciplines but also have acknowledged breadth in recognizing and promoting interdisciplinary collaborations. Diesner brings to this role her expertise in computational social science, human-centered data science, network analysis, natural language processing, machine learning, and responsible computing.

Assistant Professor Jana Diesner