BSIS Learning Outcomes


  • Equip students to be leaders in a knowledge society and innovators in a knowledge economy
  • Educate students for known, emerging, and currently unforeseeable careers in information sciences
  • Provide an interdisciplinary education where studies in fundamentals of information sciences and in application areas are fully integrated
  • Ensure that various upper-division elective pathways of the major share a common core of information sciences knowledge
  • Provide a program with enough flexibility to facilitate transfers into the major at the sophomore level, transfers across colleges at the sophomore and junior level, and transfers from two-year colleges
  • Since information sciences is a rapidly developing field, offer a flexible program that responds quickly to new needs and opportunities, and to new findings and approaches in the information sciences
  • Prepare interested students for graduate study in information sciences and related fields

Objectives (based on objectives of the required courses)

  • Understand relationships among people, information, and technology
  • Understand the history, theory, philosophy, and methodologies of the field of information sciences
  • Apply various approaches to research in the information sciences, including social science methods, data and text mining, digital humanities, historical approaches, and others
  • Apply critical analytical skills to information issues
  • Understand fundamental mathematical and programming tools for solving problems of information modeling, expression, and transformation